RIP Thunderdome: 20 Best Matches at WWE Thunderdome

Photo Credit: WWE
01. AJ Styles Vs. Jeff Hardy Vs. Sami Zayn – Triple Threat Ladder Match for the Undisputed Intercontinental Championship (Clash of Champions 2020)

The Number 01 spot belongs to the best match of 2020. This match was really underrated and didn’t get enough amount of praise. It was a 5 star match. The amount of talent involved in this match is just unmatchable. Hardy, Styles and Zayn, they are the three underdogs of all time who always steals the show with their performance but always came up short when it comes to appreciation from critics and fans and most importantly ‘WWE’.
This was a Triple threat Ladder match to decide the undisputed Intercontinental Champion as Hardy was IC champion who won the title from AJ Styles. Zayn made his long awaited return with his IC title and called himself the true IC champion and ignite this awesome feud between the three.
The match was a treat to watch, it was fast paced, brutal and it invloved lots of physicalility from all three men. We saw some high spots as well like Hardy performed a Swanton Bomb off the ladder onto Zayn and many others. The most memorable part of the match was, when Zayn brought out the handcuffs and he literally puts the handcuff on Hardy’s earlobe and attached it to a ladder. Zayn won this awesome match and became the Undisputed Intercontinental Champion.