(Exclusive) Rosemary: A Journey through the Valley of Shadows – PART 1

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
- Impact Wrestling’s build to the big 20. Part 1 - February 25, 2022
- (Exclusive) Rosemary: A Journey through the Valley of Shadows – PART 1 - September 19, 2021
- Revival of the X-Division: Tale of the Tape - June 20, 2021
Decay Chapter 3: The Broken Universe
The most iconic moment of Decay’s run at Impact Wrestling, still one of the most talked about moments in Impact Wrestling’s history. The Broken Hardys had now solidified as one unit, destroying all teams who crossed them building into an inevitable & highly enjoyable explosion of matches both in ring & partially or fully cinematic experiences, highly enjoyable promos, mixing the creative geniuses of Matt Hardy, Abyss, Jeremy Borash & Rosemary to leave an unbelievable, often imitated, but never beaten world of pro-wrestling entertainment.
The rivalry between Decay & the Broken Hardys revolved around 3 things. The TNA Tag Team Titles, Matt Hardy’s broken universe & an open book of creative freedom that all wrestlers involved took advantage of during the toughest period of Dixie Carter’s run as President of TNA. Rosemary’s main role in this focused on Reby Hardy & Matt Hardy’s son (King) Maxel. The Hardys would gain the number one contendership spot at Slammiversary & the mind games from Decay started very quickly.
After a victory at Bound For Glory, Decay would get a second match with the Broken Hardys shortly after in a Wolf Creek Cage Match. This would be the end of Decay’s title run. Rosemary then turning her attention onto the Knockouts Championship as a parallel to the Broken Hardy’s storyline, winning the Knockouts Championship would (somehow) give Decay another opportunity for the TNA Tag Team Titles as they would now begin the downward spiral of loses, against several teams such as The Helms Dynasty (Trevor Leigh & Andrew Everett), Go For Broke (DJ Z, Mark Andrews & Braxton Sutter) & The BroMans as well as Matt & Jeff Hardy.
Rosemary wouldn’t have much influence on the remaining events of Decay, after Bound For Glory the Broken Hardy saga began to dominate TNA more & more eventually leading to Total Nonstop Deletion’s Tag Team Apocalypto (an open invitation, elimination Tag Tournament staged at the Hardy Compound) rounding off 2016 as the last team to be defeated by The Broken Hardys. Overall Decay was spreading out to the Knockouts division.
Come 2017 Decay as a stable, would continue to fall into oblivion. Losing big matches against the DCC & most memorably the chance to regain the vacated TNA Tag Team Titles vs. LAX (Santana & Ortiz) & this would spell the end of Abyss* & Crazzy Steve** in TNA. Leading to Rosemary finally being free to continue to build herself into singles competition.
*Abyss would return as Joseph Park & his final interaction involving Rosemary in 2017. This would be during a Monster’s Ball vs. Grado at Bound For Glory. Grado was being attacked by his abandoned bride to be Laurel Van Ness (still in Rosemary’s sights as competition for the Knockouts Championship & an ally to Sienna & Taryn Terrell), Abyss returning for this match & choke slamming Rosemary onto a set of tacks in a fit of rage after she brought his beloved Janice to the ring.
**Crazzy Steve would make several rare appearances on Xplosion over 2018 onwards before officially returning in 2020.