RVD teases WWE return

Photo Credit: WWE
RVD has wrestled in several wrestling promotions, but he got recognition with ECW & WWE. After leaving WWE, he wrestled for IMPACT WRESTLING for several years. Few days ago, he left IMPACT WRESTING along with his wife Katie Forbes. Now, the whole F’n show is teasing a return back to WWE.
Recently, RVD spoke with Pro Wrestling Junkies, where he mentioned AEW & teased a return to WWE.
“Since I joined IMPACT, I’ve been wrestling a little bit more but, I don’t look at it and think, ‘Woah! I wanna go here.’ Usually I look at it and I’m like, ‘Man I’m glad tonight’s a night off.’ I’m watching these guys work their asses off in the ring and I’m just thinking, ‘Ah, I’d be so winded right now’ and I’m watching everything come together and it’s cool that it is but, it would just be a job offering and nothing else at that point, you know?”
“So, that’s how I’ve been since like 2001, I guess, since then, so some people say, ‘You should go to AEW because you and this guy would have a good match.’ Like dude, I don’t give a f*ck. I have good matches with everybody. I definitely would consider it and I’m actually going to be working with WWE on a couple of projects that we haven’t mentioned yet.”
Thanks to Post Wrestling for the quote
RVD revealed that he is currently working on some WWE projects, but he didn’t reveal the details about it. About AEW he clearly showed the disinterest about the company.
Let us know your thoughts, if you want to see Van Dam back in WWE.