The NXT Report: May 25, 2021

Balór vs. Kross. The Prince/Demon against a big ass dude who’s entrance takes 72 hours. It goes down tonight for the NXT Championship.
Women’s Tag Team: Shotzi Blackheart & Ember Moon vs. Dakota Kai & Raquel González
So we start off tonight with a pivotal match in pursuit of the tag championship.
My baby Shotzi starts off against a hulking González. She has no answer for her power and Moon tags in a gets three straight near-falls.
The ladies of the Fire Pit get a tandem attack going against Kai to gain momentum. As Blackheart gets Kai in a Texas Cloverleaf, or as I call it “foreplay”, that conniving González pulls her partner to break the hold.
-commercial break-
We come back and Ember Moon is smacking the NXT Women’s champ around. Some shenanigans from Dakota Kai swiftly turn the momentum and all hell breaks loose.
Moon gets Kai in a submission lock but it’s again broken by Raquel. But a comeback surge by the Fire Pit lead to a pin of Kai. A pissed off Raquel Gonzales starts slamming Shotzi back first into various barricades and Ember is tortured by Kai.
I give it a 3.6 out of five. My green-haired nightmare got the win but her back got shredded.
Pete Dunn vs. Bobby Fish
We got some history here, folks.
At War Games Bobby Fish tore his tricep and the anticipation is evident as he goes straight at the Bruiserweight.
Dunn slows down the pace by getting technical.
-commercial break-
We come back and interestingly this is Bobby Fish’s first one-on-one match in nearly four years.
The momentum goes back and forth with Pete Dunn grasping the top of the baseball bat handle at most times.
After some knees seem to put Dunn away Fish is caught off guard by an array of suplexes.
A barrage of counters by both men ends with a roll up and win by Pete Dunn.
A solid 4.0 out of five
Mercedes Martinez vs. Zayda Ramier
Martinez comes out tha gate Using her power.
Ramier lands a few strikes and tries her hand at some holds.
An Air Raid Crash by Martinez puts away her opponent.
The light go down and red lights and smoke appear. The Fiend? No it’s Tian Sha. Well at least her mark. Okay.
Million Dollar Face-Off: Cameron Grimes vs. The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase
Grimes is about to promo it up but The Million Dollar theme hits.
Cameron Grimes asks why Ted DiBiase is constantly being a thorn in his side.
Ted said he is looking for someone to pass the Million Dollar legacy and it’s Grimes.
As the promo goes on LA Knight interrupts and claims he can be that one to carry on the million dollar legacy.
LA Knight plants Grimes and that’s it.
Franky Monet vs. Cora Jade
Monet’s debut.
Man Franky kinda thick. And Cora Jade is kinda cute.
Franky Monet is kinda loud and crazy despite the lavish entrance. Lots of high impact moves by Monet. Shockingly Jade gets a near fall. But alas Franky Monet gets the pin and win. An alright match. 3.2 out of five. Gotta start somewhere.
NXT Championship Match: Finn Balór vs. Karrion Kross (c)
The biggest rematch in NXT history.
The beginning of the match is a PIP during a commercial and Bálor looks to be in control with some technical holds.
We come back from break and Kross is overpowering The Prince. Much of this middle part of the match is all Karrion. His muse Scarlett looking on with a sinister smirk.
Suddenly Bálor counters and puts the champ in a lock. The momentum changes for the challenger and traps the champ in the ring apron and proceeds to wail on him.
We get another PIP commercial.
As Bálor goes for a stomp Kross puts the challenger in a rear lock but the ropes break it.
The two make their way outside the ring as Karrion throws his foe up against the barriers.
Finn gets pumped and shifts momentum but again the champ counters. This time he slams the challenger onto the announce table.
Bálor tends a comeback but Kross hits a Kross Suplex. The challenger plays possum to gain an upper hand.
But the champ retains as Bàlor is put to sleep with a submission hold. A solid 4.6 out of five. Great back and forths, shifts of momentum, psychologically pacing.