Top 10 Randy Orton Matches of all time

Photo Credit: WWE
Our team has decided to make a list of Top 50 heels of all time and Randy Orton is the name which comes in our mind immediately when we think about the best heels in the business. Randy Orton is one of the greatest heels of all time. So, today we’ve made a list of Orton’s best matches of all time.
10. Randy Orton Vs. The Undertaker – Wrestlemania 21

The Number 10 spot belongs to the beginning of one of the most underrated rivalries of 2000s. This rivalry started when Orton turns heel once again & challenges The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 21, this match was booked as ‘The Legend vs. The Legend Killer’.
This match was the inaugaration of RKO outta nowhere. When Taker tried to chokeslam Orton, Orton counters it into an RKO. After a grueling battle, Taker pinned Orton after a devastating Tombstone Piledriver and continued his streak as 13-0.
I always liked his match vs Cactus Jack at Bashlack ’04. That match truly made his career (and eventual ‘Legend Killer’ character as well).