Top 10 Randy Orton Matches of all time

Photo Credit: WWE
01. Randy Orton Vs. Cactus Jack (Hardcore Match) – Backlash 2004

The number 01 spot belongs to a match which cemented Orton as a main event player in WWE. This match was one of the most brutal encounters in WWE History. Three months prior at the Royal Rumble, after Mick Foley eliminated Orton and himself from the Royal Rumble match, Orton hit Foley with a steel chair, and the two brawled up the ramp and into the back. At WrestleMania XX, Evolution (Orton, Batista, and Ric Flair) faced off against The Rock ‘n’ Sock Connection (Foley and The Rock) in a Handicap match. Evolution won the match when Orton pinned Foley after an RKO. Foley challenged Orton for his IC Title in a Hardcore match at Backlash.
During the match, we saw Cactus Jack put a barbed wire baseball bat between Orton’s legs and perform a leg drop. After several brutal spots such as being thrown into thumbtacks and taking an elbow drop off the entrance stage, Orton executed an RKO on Cactus onto the barbed wire baseball bat to retain the title and cemented himself as the main event guy in WWE.
I always liked his match vs Cactus Jack at Bashlack ’04. That match truly made his career (and eventual ‘Legend Killer’ character as well).