Top 25 Music-Inspired Wrestling Gimmicks

Photo Credit: WWE
14. Flash Funk

2 Cold Scorpio was one of the most revolutionary early high-fliers in wrestling history, having patented many agile maneuvers such as the 450 Splash, Tumbleweed and Moonsault Legdrop. Having won title gold in WCW and ECW, he joined the WWF in 1996 but was repackaged in odd fashion.
Debuting at Survivor Series (the same event that saw the debut of The Rock), he was introduced as Flash Funk. Funk, a fashionable thriller in fur coats and distinctive hats. This was seemingly a reflection of what the WWF believed of the musical scene at the time, with Funk being accompanied by a group of ladies known as Funkettes. He would eventually drop some of the more exaggerated features, having matches against the likes of ECW invaders Sabu and Rob Van Dam as well as teaming with Ron Simmons and Terry Funk.
Scorpio had some great matches and had an influential number of moves during his WWF run, it was perhaps overshadowed by this crazy role. It was not really fitting Scorpio and a gimmick of just a dynamic high-flier would likely be better suited. Then again, it would be better than being relegated to being a member of the J.O.B. Squad.