Top 25 Music-Inspired Wrestling Gimmicks

Photo Credit: WWE
24. Micheal Saxon

Multiple WWF jobbers of the 1980s have gone on to find popularity amongst fans looking back, such as ‘Iron’ Mike Sharpe, Pete Doherty and Lanny Poffo. Another likely fondly-remembered enhancement talent is Michael Saxon, often referred to as Michael Sexton.
With ‘The Prince of Pop’ Michael Jackson’s popularity still having a huge influence in the mid-late 80s, the WWF created a not-so-subtle jobber in his mold. Saxon had a rhyming name with MJ, wore a sparkly jacket and did some amateur dance moves. He was not so great in ring, with the faux Jackson being a face journeyman to bigger, heel stars such as Terry Funk, King Kong Bundy and Brutus Beefcake.