Top 25 Music-Inspired Wrestling Gimmicks

Photo Credit: WWE
22. Rock ‘n’ Rave Infection
In the mid-late 2000s, one of the most popular video games was Guitar Hero. To line up with the popularity of the musical simulation, TNA debuted The Rock ‘N’ Roll Infection. Managed by Christy Hemme, the duo of Lance Hoyt – later renamed Lance Rock – and Jimmy Rave decked themselves in Guns N Roses-esque attire and became a fixture of the company’s tag division. They furthermore came out to the ring with controllers or guitars as a further nod to the tie-in with the Guitar Hero franchise.
The comedic rocking trio were a mid-card team, not quite competing for the tag titles but rather a step below. Their biggest feud was with The Prince Justice Brotherhood (consisting of Super Eric, Curry Man and Shark Boy). Whilst they were gaining momentum and getting more established, the popular comedy troupe were brought to a sudden halt when the future Lance Archer was released in 2009, with Rave following suit the next day.