Top 30 Underrated Wrestlers of all time

Photo Credit: NA
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15. X-PAC

He has his own heat. It isnt as bad as Cody and Brandi but he generated his own version of “Oh not him”. Lets focus on how this occurred. As 6 and the 1-2-3 Kid he was a recognizable star with agility and admirable bumps taken with a wrestling ability of nimble feet. WWE always found a way to work an angle with him into the fold whether it would be mid card or towards the the main event.
A few times I remember watching him do his best work on the mic as X Pac the day after Wrestlemania when Shawn left the company after losing to SCSA. Spitting bars at Hogan, let alone the other companies direct wrestler is very taboo even today. He poked the bear and was a pivotal feature of the Attitude Era. Let’s not forget his Light heavyweight and european title runs. If you cant take the heat….