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Jimmay Bay Bay
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3. Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens
Photo Credit: WWE

#3 spot belongs to the fighting machine Kevin Owens. Owens was knowing as Kevin Steen at Ring of Honor and had several stellar matches with Sami Zayn and Adam Cole. His ring style is pretty unique and he can be considered as new age Steve Austin due to his intense promo skills and IDGAF attitude.

His storyline with Shane McMahon gave several resemblances to McMahon/Austin feud. Owens even uses Stunner as his finisher. Either he is a face or heel, he always gets a pop from the crowd. His run as the Universal Champion was well deserved but ended abruptly by Mr. Goldberg who squashed him in mere minutes.

Since then, Owens is trying hard to be on the top but still he needs one more world title run.


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