Top 30 Underrated Wrestlers of all time

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28. Rick Steiner

When you think of all time great tag teams, the Steiner Brothers are a team that is often left off that list. That is what we call a travesty, as they definitely deserve more credit for the contributions to that division. One half of that group goes by the name Rick Steiner. A former amateur wrestling standout from the University of Michigan, Rick was able to have his way with pretty much any talent he shared the ring with.
His short stature coupled with his explosive moveset, which would earn him the nickname “Dogfaced Gremlin” made him a very entertaining performer inside the squared circle. And although most of his success would come from his time as a tag team wrestler, he was also able to find success during his singles run late in his career as well. While many believed Rick would become obsolete in WCW after the split from his brother Scott, he was able to still find some success due to the fact that he was just an outright fantastic professional wrestler.