Top 5 Best Main Events of WWE Backlash PPV

Photo Credit: WWE
As we are heading towards this year’s WWE Backlash in which WWE promised us to give ‘THE GREATEST WRESTLING MATCH EVER’. Let’s check out the Top 5 best main events of every WWE Backlash PPV.
5. John Cena vs Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship – Last Man Standing Match (Backlash 2009)

Since 2006, John Cena and Edge came face to face several times and they have a on going rivarly for almost 03 years and this match was the culmination of their famous rivalry, but this time in a Last Man Standing match.
This match was the test of endurance for both Edge and Cena, with some famous moments including when Cena threw Edge into the audience.
A classic finale to this incredible match came at the hands of the BIg Show. Yes, it looks funny and silly both at the same time on the paper, but when Big Show chokeslammed Cena into a giant spotlight was one of the most extreme moments in WWE history. And with Show’s help Edge became World Heavyweight Champion once again and get victorious in the end of the rivalry.
4. Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs The Rock for the WWF Championship (Backlash 1999)

This was the time when WWE was at its peak and the Attitude Era was going on.
This was the debut of WWE Backlash PPV (named WWF Backlash: In Your House)
Stone Cold’s victory at Wrestlemania XV was an uplifting segment for Austin Vs The Corporate Ministry Storyline. This match a clear improvement from their last match at Wrestlemania XV with Rock took over the commentary box and even filmed the beatdown of Austin.
This match is pure entertainment and both men loved to work with each other
Mr. McMahon was kind of face at this time. His handover of Stone Cold’s customised championship gave us a memorable moment.
3. John Cena Vs Edge Vs Randy Orton Vs Shawn Micheals for the WWE Championship – Fatal 4 Way Match (Backlash 2007)

When all 4 competitors are future Hall of Famers and top performers of the company at the time, so it’s a definite thing that the match will be instant classic.
John Cena and Shawn Micheals have already come face to face last month at Wrestlemania 23 and there’s no need to describe that match because it was an incredible match and everyboldy knows it.
Side by side Micheals was having a rivalry with the team of Edge & Randy Orton known as ‘Rated RKO’. This time WWE creative used there brains and make a really good decision that put everybody against each other for the WWE Title and it really works this time.
During the match, Michaels performed a moonsault onto Cena, Edge, and Orton on the floor. Edge gave a spear to Orton. Then Cena gave an FU (Now known as ‘The Attitude Adjustment’) to Edge. Michaels executed Sweet Chin Music to Cena, who fell on Orton for the pinfall victory and retains the title.
2. Dean Ambrose Vs AJ Styles for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship (Backlash 2016)

2016 was the best year for WWE and for WWE Universe too, at the start of the year we saw the debut of the ‘The Phenomenal One’ AJ Styles at Royal Rumble and crowd went crazy.
This was the year when WWE bring back the ‘WWE Draft’ and ‘Backlash PPV’.
Dean Ambrose defeated his Shield members to retain his WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WWE Battleground and take the title to Smackdown brand.
On the other side, AJ styles defeated John Cena twice in the last few months and became the ‘Face that runs the place’.
Both men comes face to face at WWE Backlash for the title and Ambrose was Face and Styles was Heel at that time, but still entire crowd was behind Styles. It was a 30-minute instant classic which AJ won with the help of low blow and holds the WWE title for the first time.
1. Triple H vs The Rock for the WWF Championship (Backlash 2000)

This main event is at the top of the list just because how it was ended.
Triple H and The Rock were having one of the best feuds of the Attitude Era and both men were carrying the whole company on their shoulders in the absence of Stone Cold Steve Austin who was out of action due to his neck injury.
The whole storyline was based like The Rock Vs the McMahon Helmsley Faction with Austin will be at the ringside from Rock’s Corner. Shane McMahon was the special guest referee for the match.
Enrire match was very much entertaining and have some great moments for WWE fans like when Rock gave Rock bottom to both Triple H and Shane McMahon on the top of announce table.
The best moment was when fans hear the sound of shattering glass and here comes the ‘Rattlesnake’ Stone Cold and beat the hell out of the entire McMahon Helmsely faction single handedly and helps The Rock to get victory over Triple H and become the new WWF Champion.