Top 5 Best Main Events of WWE Extreme Rules PPV

Extreme Rules
As we are heading towards the most extreme PPV of WWE which is now a horrow show also. Let’s check out the Top 5 Best Main Events of WWE Extreme Rules PPV.
5. Roman Reigns Vs AJ Styles for WWE World Heavyweight Championship – Extreme Rules Match (Extreme Rules 2016)

After defeating Triple H at Wrestlemania 32 for the WWE World heavyweight Championship, Romasn Reigns was at the top of the mountain. But here comes the #1 contender who is phenomenal. AJ Styles and Roman Reigns came face to face for the title at WWE Payback first but after Styles failing to defeat Reigns at Payback, they had their rematch at Extreme Rules in a Extreme Rules match.
This match was completely chaos from start to end, The Club interferes then Usos came to save Reigns. The classic moment when AJ Styles perform the Phenomenal forearm to Roman through table. After getting frustrated Styles grabs chair and beat the hell out of Usos and Reigns with a incredible ending where Styles tried to execute another phenomenal forearm and Reigns spears him in the mid air to get the victory by pinfall.
And who will forget the closing of the PPV, when Reigns was celebrating Seth Rollins return through the crowd and gave Reigns a Pedigree and start his journey to reclaim his title which he never lost.
4. Roman Reigns Vs Seth Rollins Vs Bray Wyatt Vs Samoa Joe Vs Finn Balor for #1 contender Universal Championship – Fatal 5 Way Extreme Rules match (Extreme Rules 2017)

For the first time in 9 years WWE bring back the Fatal 5 Way match. General Manager Kurt Angle announced a Fatal 5 Way Extreme Rules match between Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt, Samoa Joe & Finn Balor for the #1 contender for the Universal Championship.
This match had many memorable moments and the best of them was when Seth Rollins leaps from top turnbuckle and splash on Bray Wyatt through the Spanish announce table.
Ending was quite surprising too because Roman and Balor was the most favorable to win the match but Samoa Joe won the match by submitting Balor with the help of Cocquina Clutch.
3. Christian Vs Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship – Ladder Match (Extreme Rules 2011)

In 2011, we witnessed a heartbreaking moment when Edge announced his retirement on RAW after Wrestlemania and earlier Edge was set to face Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship in a Ladder Match. But after Edge announced his retirement and Christian won a Battle Royal for the #1 contender and for the first time he compete for the World Heavyweight Championship in the main event of a PPV.
Storyline of this match was incredible, many memorable moments in the match but still storyline was at its best. Finale of the match was the most memorable when Edge interferes the match and helped his best friend to win the match. After winning the match, Edge celebrates with his best friend in the ring.
One more thing, Christian became World Champion for the first time in 13 years.
2. Jeff Hardy vs Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship – Ladder Match (Extreme Rules 2009)

This was the main event of first Extreme Rules PPV and definitely it was one of the best matches in WWE PPV History because you’re putting two of the best wrestlers in a Ladder match which they made it famous. Edge Vs Jeff hardy at Extreme Rules is one of the most extreme and dangerous matches in WWE because both the guys used tables, chairs, ladders, steel steps and many more to just beat the hell out of each other.
They’ve raised the bar for a main event at Extreme Rules that maybe it’ll never be broken. Match was full of dangerous spots and dives, both men took a bump from almost 10 – 15 feet height.
End of the match was quite memorable when Hardy trapped Edge between the ladder and climb to the top and take the title in front of Edge’s eyes.
But, the shocking part was when CM Punk came to cash in his Money in the Bank contract and steal the title from Hardy in just 4 minutes.
1. John Cena Vs Brock Lesnar – Extreme Rules Match (Extreme Rules 2012)

Everybody was shocked when ‘The beast’ Brock Lesnar returned on Monday Night Raw after eight long years and gave an F5 to John Cena and this led to a match between both of them at Extreme Rules PPV in a Extreme Rules match.
If you ask anybody in the world that which was the best main event of Extreme Rules PPV in history, i’m damn sure that you’ll get the answer Brock vs Cena because this match was so brutal and bloody that PG Era Viewers never witnessed a match like this.
Lesnar busted Cena’s head wide open with blood coating Cena’s face. The match that followed set a new precedent for mixing the MMA style with professional wrestling. Chairs, tables, barricades, and a chain all came into play in this fight. Lesnar even painted his chest with Cena’s blood as a trophy.
However, Cena won this brutal match by performing Attitude Adjustment on Lesnar into Steel Steps for the pin.