Top 50 Greatest Wrestling Heels of all time

Photo Credit: WWE
41. Kane

Although it is likely not too controversial to say that the booking of Kane throughout his run has been questionable, no matter the mask he has remained a reliable and constant figure on WWE programming over the decades.
Kane’s best months in the company came during his initial run after his debut. A genuinely-scary, huge, unfeeling monster of a man, he showed no emotion but covered the scars of his past beneath his red and black attire with no skin showing. Managed by Paul Bearer, this mysterious demon has his mind set on revenge on brother The Undertaker. Kane ran through other threats like Vader and Mankind and needed 3 Tombstone Piledrivers to beat.
Kane became more watered down over the years as he turned more comedic and showed a more human side but he was not completely ruined. His run when unmasked in 2003 saw a more twisted, sadistic Kane who was so mentally unstable he was intent on setting people on fire and needed to be tied to chains with a towel over his head. It was not too long afterwards he would become embroiled in an infamous storyline with Lita.
Kane’s last huge run as a heel came in 2011 when he returned with a new metal entrance mask. This saw him face the likes of John Cena and Randy Orton. He would eventually join The Authority to face Daniel Bryan, unmasking to become an older corporate aid.