Top 50 Greatest Wrestling Heels of all time

Photo Credit: WWE
32. Scott Steiner

For many years, Scott was a tremendous amateur wrestler known for his elite tag work with partner Rick but all of that would alter with an image change in 1997.
Steiner became ‘Big Poppa Pump’ where he became overtly-ridiculous. Now an incoherently-yelling muscleman with dyed hair, a chainmail piece of headgear and a number of ‘freaks’ by his side, he would become a refreshing long-standing WCW champion in a time when the belt was tossed around between everyone.
Scott jumped to TNA where he would become a huge internet meme for calling Samoa Joe “fat” and most famously for his Steiner Maths promo. A hugely insane, shouty hoss who has made a huge name for himself for his personality, it has not stopped him getting booked even if his in-ring work is not as consistent as it once was.