Top 50 Greatest Wrestling Heels of all time

Photo Credit: WWE
03. Harley Race

Harley race is one of the legendary heels of all time.Race did not need to shout; he didn’t need to brag. He didn’t wear flashy gear or come down the aisle to loud rock music. He didn’t need a catchphrase, or to hock any merchandise.
Yet, whenever Race ran heel, he was one of the most hated men in the business.
Race was tough as nails, and equally as talented. The only thing more impressive than his work in the ring was his ability to cut a great promo.
Race had the complete package, and as NWA world champion, he took on the best wrestlers all over the world. Race’s feud with Ric Flair, and the $25,000 bounty that he put on the Nature Boy’s head, put him over even more as the top heel in the NWA.
He was cool and collected when he spoke. His confidence in his abilities was unlimited, and just when you think he was down for the count, Race found a way to pull out the win.