Tribute to The Iron Sheik

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WrestleBuddy united in sadness with the wrestling community after learning about The Iron Sheik passing away. Professional wrestling lost an exemplary pioneer on Wednesday, June 7th, 2023, at age 81. There will never be another like him.
Born on March 15th, 1942, in Damghan, Iran, billed from Tehran, Iran. Hossein Khosrow Ali Vaziri recalls his upbringing in a quiet Iranian community. He discussed his ambitions of wrestling at five years old. People genuinely adored sports because athletics represented national pride. Vaziri sought out amateur-themed wrestling & citizens viewed such physical training as healthy citizenship for their country. ( Paraphrased) ” Khosrow stated that I was married to the mat. ” Vaziri enlisted voluntarily into the Iranian Army. His skills became immediately recognized when he was a top 3 wrestler while serving in the Army. For two impressive years, Vaziri was National Champion! He was the bodyguard for ‘ Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi & his wife, Reza of Iran.’ Two individuals who influenced the Irani people were American boxer Muhammad Ali and Iranian wrestler Gholamreza Takhti. Vaziri idolized Takhti because he was Iran’s first National Champion to compete in the Olympics. Takhti was the best in Iranian history. Shah & Takhti got into disagreements over policies & this left Hossein in an awkward yet dangerous situation. Vaziri would train with his hero-Takhti and in the same social circles. Some conclude Takhti committed suicide, but many thought the Shah murdered him.

He came to America & lived in New York to join his Iranian friend & one week later, moving to Minnesota, where an assistant coaching career began for the U.S. Olympic Team & his teams became four-time Greco-Roman freestyle team AAU Champions. The AWA ( American Wrestling Association) promoter Verne Gagne trained Vaziri in Minnesota. Gagne was an alternate in the 1948 Olympics and recruited other amateur athletes. Iron Sheik’s pro wrestling journey commenced around 1973. Verne Gagne’s wrestling camp featured the future Iron Sheik, Ric Flair, Jim Brunzell, Ken Patera, Jim Brunzell, & Sgt. Slaughter. Many describe the man as a legitimate wrestling machine as he showcased natural wrestling ability.
If American wrestlers did not want to do in-ring business with Sheik, they soon discovered trouble as he could easily damage them. Iron Sheik started refereeing & driving a truck to set up wrestling rings & traveling the American Midwest & into Canada. Before he’s Iron Sheik, Khosrow Vaziri looked different from his future gimmick. Vaziri’s look varied with handsome features, a head full of hair & a muscular physique. Also, sporting a singlet with Olympic rings on it & having helped coach the United States Olympic Team. Vaziri began exemplifying this All-American persona. He met his wife, Caryl, circa The University of Minnesota while Sheik coached that Olympic team. It’s Verne’a wife who suggested Khosrow change his presentation from Mr. USA to Sheik. Now, remember Ed Farhat was the original Sheik! So it’s plausible Farhat inspired this character altercation too. Vaziri did prepare after seeing how fellow Middle Eastern people dressed for ideas on how to create The Iron Sheik gimmick. His mustache became a trademark. The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) recounted memories of first meeting Sheik when he arrived in Charlotte wrestling his father, Rocky Johnson. Rock used the word striking upon seeing him. He continued with his unforgettable look. Sheik’s wife & Rock’s mother became friends. They visited Johnson’s residence & Caryl was a babysitter for a young Rock. Caryl despised her husband’s new look.
The Iron Sheik did promos singing the Iranian National Anthem & telling wrestling fans off. He embraced this villain part of his wrestling character. Sheik saw Americans disliking an Iranian wrestler whose evil & assisted his heat. New York Times bestselling author Keith Elliot Greenberg highlighted that during the 1970s, under Jimmy Carter’s Administration, current events spotlighted tensions between Iran & America. Mainstream media outlets showed Iranian students attacking a U.S. Embassy. The Ayatollahs overseas held Americans as hostages & parading them around on television.
Promoters jumped at the chance to use it for a storyline by highlighting an Iranian villain against the American hero. Realistically, Vaziri was Iranian & spoke Farsi. Sheik’s interviews elaborated on his disdain for America. A signature entailed a spitting gesture that produced even more hostility toward audiences. Rock remembers watching Iron Sheik saying that The Ayatollah instructed him to bring the World Title to Iran. Another wrestling icon named “ Classy “ Freddie Blassie managed Sheik as well.
Sheik provided instant believability/ credibility among viewers & live crowds alike. The Iran hostage crisis ignited Sheik’s intense bad-guy personality. We envisioned one of wrestling’s great finishers-The Camel Clutch destroying his opponents. Fans loathed Sheik, and Mick Foley spoke about possessing the right kind of heat when referencing the 2005 WWE Hall of Famer. Jim Ross discussed how crowd violence toward villainous wrestlers was a real thing. Jake “ The Snake Roberts “ validated Sheik’s realism, stating that arrogance & talking down to people assisted him. Bruce Prichard remarked on what made Iron Sheik the perfect heel. It came down to everything America hated.
He will humble you, Bubba. At a signing convention, multiple stars like Bret “ The Hitman “ Hart appear with Sheik & share the story about Sheik training a 16-year-old Bret at the famed Hart house (The Dungeon!!!) A legendary feat of strength was Sheik twirling these clubs effortlessly before matches. Koko B. Ware explained when Sheik tested positive for cocaine & he thought it was a good thing & Vince McMahon relayed to Sheik that it wasn’t & responded with thank you to McMahon. Rock conveys what a tough badass he was. King Kong Buddy said Sheik did hundreds of squats after drinking beer & smoking a joint. Ron Simmons honored Sheiky by saying Damn. Jimmy Hart managed the icon in Memphis. Sheik proved instrumental for Vince McMahon & returned to WWF ( World Wrestling Federation) in 1983 after previously wrestling there in 1979. McMahon desired national supremacy & greater mainstream appeal in the 1980s. Vince Jr.’s vision differed from his father -Vince McMahon Sr. He extended WWF into an International brand & added crossover appeal with celebrities. There’s no Hulk Hogan era without Sheik. Vince needed to change from Bob Backlund as his Champion to Hogan. The Iron Sheik defeated Backlund for the WWF Championship at MSG after applying the Camel Clutch on the injured neck as Backlund’s manager threw in the towel. Sheik attained the Title. He ( Iron Sheik) facilitated this popular movement within wrestling.

Sheik’s perfect counterpart made Hogan’s Championship reign significant & Hulkamania was born from this historic encounter circa 1984 at MSG in NYC. Fans look back at Iron Sheik versus Sgt. Slaughter’s notorious rivalry includes a famed “ Boot Camp Rules “ Match!!! Later, He & Nikolai Volkoff formed a successful bad-guy team.
Sheik enjoyed success outside the WWF/ WWE in Mid-Atlantic, CWA, Georgia Championship Wrestling, & Pacific Northwest Wrestling. The WWE is where The Iron Sheik became a global star in pro wrestling/ sports entertainment. The 2005 WWE Hall of Famer won gold in various NWA-affiliated promotions. Sheik is a one-time WWF World Heavyweight & Tag Team Champion.

Photo Cred-WWE
Wrestling supporters adored Sheik’s Twitter after continuing his entertaining feud with Hulk Hogan. F-k the Hulk Hogan, lol.
The wrestler reinvented himself by appearing in interviews on Howard Stern.
The WB sends our condolences to his family, peers, & fans. He also dealt with the tragic loss of a daughter.
RIP Iron Sheik 1942-2023!!! Thank you, sir, for your epic wrestling contributions & classic memories.
Credit to The Sheik-Full Documentary| Pro-wrestler Khosrow Vaziri ft. Dwayne Johnson for backstory into his early life & wrestling career.