Where Are They Now?: All Wrestlers Who Competed At WrestleMania 21


Yes. I guess we have to talk about this match. In just over a minute, experienced Japanese sumo wrestler Akebono defeated Big Show. It did little to help either man as Akebono had beaten a professional wrestler in a scripted sport and would not re-enter another WWE ring on a large scale whilst Big Show lost (but at least the result was believable).
The 500-pound Hawaiian subsequently went on to wrestle within Japan. Unfortunately, Akebono has had various health issues in the past years that have reduced him to a wheelchair with little use of his legs and voice.
Big Show

Dressed in mawashi that gave everyone watching worldwide an unsightly look at the arse of the 7-foot former WWE champion. Big Show weighed less than Akebono on the weight in and would come close but ultimately lost to the only non-Japanese yokozuna in sumo history. It just seemed like a short way to get ‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ on the card and to further embarrass Show, something WWE has really knuckled down on over his career.
Big Show recently made huge headlines when feeling disrespected, he left WWE to join AEW as a backstage figure and commentator on the weekly show Dark: Elevation under his real name Paul Wight.