Where Are They Now?: All Wrestlers Who Competed At WrestleMania 21

John Cena

In the semi-main event, John Cena triumphed over JBL to capture his first of many world titles in the promotion. ‘The Doctor Of Thuganomics’ would slowly phase out the less family-friendly aspects of his character to become the much loved/hated polarizing face of the company for many years.
Today, following the likes of The Rock and Batista, Cena is one of the most popular celebrities in the world today. He has acted in everything from Daddy’s Home 2 to Fred: The Movie to Trainwreck making him a worldwide megastar outside of the wrestling community. He has starred in the recently released Fast and Furious 9 and became a huge internet meme for his inability to be seen.

John Bradshaw Layfield’s drastic reinvention in 2004 saw him turn his prospects from nearly being fired to WWE champion. Having a lengthy 280-day reign, he eventually dropped it to rising fan favorite John Cena after he dodged a Clothesline From Hell into an FU (later renamed the Attitude Adjustment after the name of Lex Luger’s piledriver). JBL would not reach the same heights again – although rekindling the Cena feud in 2008 – most commonly lingering in the mid-card scene fighting for the US and IC belts when not a commentator.
JBL still works for WWE as a regular on PPV kick-off shows. In addition, his gimmick has become part of his real-life, with JBL now a financial analyst for multiple cable news programs in addition to being the senior vice-president of Northeast Securities.