Which former IMPACT wrestlers could cross the line?

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
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With the forbidden door getting slowly more accessible and we begin to start see more wrestlers appear in
other companies, you have to wonder who may turn up next? This is also very interesting when it comes
to Impact as many of the companies that they are drawing connections with have a good number of talent
working there who have also appeared within Impact at some point.
With so much former Impact talent appearing within AEW, NWA, NJPW and even AAA, you have to
ask yourself the question, who may we see return to the company next? With a previous article placed out
looking at TNA originals that may return, let’s have a look at talent from any period of the company we
could see make a return (any wrestler on the previous list will not make this one).
5. Lance Archer

Lance Archer is the definition of a monster, hence his nickname “The Murderhawk.” Impact, ever since
losing Abyss have struggled to recreate that big monster however even before Abyss was around there
was a chance that Archer could have been that monster character for TNA.
Archer has had several runs in the company however his two runs as Dallas in the early NWA days and as
Lance Hoyt from 2005-2007 were his most notable. Both those times were areas where he really felt like
he was on the rise too before never quite reaching the top. The Image we see from archer now though is
definitely what TNA where probably going for back when he was with the company.
If we were to get the Murderhawk return to where he began his career that would be rather cool plus I
think a face off with Madman Falton would be something special, or if he was in for a period like Omega
was then a tag team with Falton would be pretty damn intimidating and who knows where they may go?
If Kylie Rae comes back… bring me some tissues & the most uplifting song you can find because I seriously will be in tears. The most heartbreaking loss to Impact (ironically because she’s mentioned) since Allie, Santana & Ortiz or (the following year from when she’d left) The Rascalz