Which former IMPACT wrestlers could cross the line?

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
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1. The Young Bucks

For some time many people have been speculating that The Young Bucks may very well show up inside
of Impact once again, The Bucks themselves have even said themselves they are very open to it. For a
time while we had The Elite were holding all the Impact titles the likeliness somehow seemed higher, yet
it didn’t happen. That’s not to say it still won’t happen though.
In their last run The Bucks had some amazing matches with The Motorcity Machine Guns (the timing of
Alex Shelly’s absence may have also been a factor) and in time we may seem that rivalry reignite. The
Bucks are (even if some don’t like to admit it) one of the best tag teams out there and Impact having them
step in at any point would definitely help their tag division and create an interesting story given what
position the Bucks hold in AEW. Who knows when but I’m sure we will see them return to Impact at
some point.
Thanks for reading. Leave any other possibilities in the comments section below.
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If Kylie Rae comes back… bring me some tissues & the most uplifting song you can find because I seriously will be in tears. The most heartbreaking loss to Impact (ironically because she’s mentioned) since Allie, Santana & Ortiz or (the following year from when she’d left) The Rascalz