WWE/AEW Takeaways from the Week (7/10/22 – 7/16/22)
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For those of you who have missed the Takeaway articles from Wrestlebuddy, I got some good news for ya. The Drip King is back BAY BAY!
We used to hit you with the top 5 from each show but that was getting repetitive for even the most hardcore of fans so we’re trimming some of the fat. The top takeaway from each of the main shows as well as an Honorable Mention to fill out the week. So, without further to do, lets jump into the takeaways!
Honorable Mention:
NXT – Will They Coexist?
A week after dethroning the tag team champions, Toxic Attraction, our new champs now find themselves in a situation. Cora Jade turned on her partner Roxanne Perez on this week’s episode of NXT. Why?
Roxanne found herself in a Title shot with Mandy Rose and jealousy took over for Cora. Just a few months ago, Cora was the new “it” girl but ever since Roxanne showed up, things haven’t been quite as bright for Cora Jade. Was that the reason? Most likely. It will be interesting to see where things go for champs as they head into one of WWE’s most over used angles… can they coexist?
Monday Night Raw:
A Strange Partnership
For weeks we have seen Ciampa attacking people on Raw with no real direction. Most of the times, the attacks were linked to Miz in some way, shape or form but with no official word on the topic it was hard to place what exactly was going on. This week, we got our answer.
After attacking AJ Styles after his match with Miz last week, Ciampa was the special guest on this week’s MizTV. During the segment, Ciampa let it be known he wanted to “be seen” and was willing to do whatever it took to make that happen. Aligning himself with the most must see superstar in all of WWE seems like an obvious thing to do if that is truly his goal. The two shook hands and then found themselves in their first match as a newly formed partnership as they took on Miz’ latest foe AJ Styles and Ezekiel.
Miz as the mouth and Ciampa as the muscle is a nice pairing that only looks strange. On paper though, it makes perfect sense. Miz is a top-level sports entertainer that can help Ciampa find his footing on the much different Raw show than what he’s used to. Will this duo last? Time will tell but we can’t deny that Ciampa finding himself in program with Miz, AJ Styles and most likely the returning Logan Paul at this year’s SummerSlam is a very huge opportunity for him!
AEW Dynamite:
New Champions!
I don’t think it’s any secret that we were supposed to get a Hardyz AEW tag team run a few weeks ago. But that idea came to a screeching halt when Jeff found himself in a personal situation days before their crowning moment.
So, in turn, the Young Bucks stepped up and claimed the titles. Was it going to be a long-term plan, or would they be placeholders until another suitable team would be ready for the straps?
Well, we got our answer this week as the Young Bucks defended those tag titles in a 3 way against two teams that were more than ready to step up to the plate and claim the prize(s). Even with Swerve constantly teasing a turn on Keith Lee and Lee himself unsure of whether or not he can trust Swerve, the team of Swerve in Our Glory was able to pick up the win and become your new AEW World Tag Team Champions!
This is good news as it means the tag titles won’t be held hostage by a team that no longer needs them. The worry here though is that Swerve and Lee get the same treatment that Lucha Bros and Jurassic Express got as champs, and they are treated as afterthoughts on Dynamite. With an internal story and a stacked division, this shouldn’t be the case. Here is to hope that we get a fun tag title reign with other teams getting the chance to test themselves against the new champs.
I Have a Theory
Last week I shared a theory of mine, pun intended as it revolves around none other than the man of the hour… Theory! Last week, the seeds were planted as Heyman referenced Brock Lesnar doing the unthinkable at the young age of 24 dethroning The Rock to become Undisputed Champion. What seeds you ask? Theory is… 24 years old. If he was to become champion at SummerSlam like Brock, he’d be dethroning Roman Reigns… The Rock’s cousin. The similarities can’t be a coincidence.
You’re not sold yet? Okay. On Raw, Theory interrupted who? Brock and Paul Heyman. And as Theory cut his promo on the stage to the right of Mr. Heyman, it was Paul who looked on with much intrigue.
Oh, that’s not enough for you either? Okay, well on this week’s Smackdown Theory and Paul Heyman had a face-to-face backstage. Theory made it a point to let it be known that maybe he’ll be in need of a special counsel soon. Heyman did try and convince Madcap to hurt Theory an hour later but that could easily just be to throw Roman off. There are too many dominos lined up for a Heyman/Theory partnership becoming a thing at this year’s SummerSlam but we’ll have to wait to see if those dominos fall in line or this is just another one of The Drip King’s crazy theories.
So there we have it, this week’s biggest Takeaways! If you agree/disagree, let’s hear it on the comments. Let me know what you think.