WWE Crown Jewel 2021 Full Results (Oct. 21st, 2021) – WHAT A PPV!!!


Photo Credit: WWE

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RK-Bro (c) Vs. AJ Styles & Omos – RAW Tag Team Championships

Riddle takes a quick control over AJ and spin him around followed with a gutwretch slam. AJ tags Omos in and Riddle tags Orton in, Omos destroys Orton and the heels takes control over Orton. Orton fights back and tags Riddle in as Riddle attacks AJ but AJ hits a Pele Kick. Riddle tags Orton in and hits a clothesline to AJ. AJ tries to hits the Phenomenal Forearm but Orton counters it into RKO outta nowhere followed with a Floating Bro by Riddle. 1,2 & 3.. RK-Bro retains.

Winner: RK-Bro

Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars.


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