WWE Elimination Chamber 2022 Results (Feb 19, 2022) – LIVE COVERAGE


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WWE Elimination Chamber 2022 Full Results – Feb 19, 2022

Kick Off Show:

The Miz Vs. Rey Mysterio

Both men goes back & forth at the start of the match. Mysterio had the upper hand throughout the match. Miz tries to bring a chair inside the ring but Dominik pulls the chair and Miz play the victim card in front of ref and ref tells Dominik to leave the ringside. Miz tries to take the advantage but Rey rolls him up for the suprise victory.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

Ratings: 2.5 out of 5 Stars.

After the match, Miz attacks Rey and Dominik makes the save and celebrates with his father.

Main Card:

Roman Reigns (c) Vs. Goldberg – WWE Universal Championship

Reigns dominates Goldberg since the beginning of the match. Goldberg tries to fight back with two spears but Reigns kept him under control with a superman punch followed with a Guillotine Choke and Goldberg passes out.

Winner: Roman Reigns

Ratings: 2 out of 5 stars.

Bianca Belair Vs. Doudrop Vs. Nikki ASH Vs. Rhea Ripley Vs. Alexa Bliss Vs. Liv Morgan – Women’s Elimination Chamber Match for the #1 Contender for the RAW Women’s Championship at Wrestlamania 38.

Nikki and Morgan start the match. Nikki slams Morgan on the metal grate. Morgan to kicks Nikki into a pod. Doudrop is released from her pod. Nikki tries to get Doudrop to team up with her but Doudrop blasts her with a headbutt. Doudrop slams Nikki and Morgan into the chamber. Doudrop flattens Morgan with a senton on the steel. Ripley is released next. Ripley kicks Doudrop in the face and goes after Nikki. Nikki climbs the chamber Ripley follows. Ripley slams Nikki’s head into the chamber. Nikki falls off onto Doudrop and Morgan. Ripley hits the Riptide on Nikki for the pin.

Nikki ASH has been eliminated

Bliss is released from her pod and runs over Morgan and dropkicks Ripley. Bliss hits insult to injury on Morgan. Morgan kicks out. Morgan stomps Bliss in the corner. Ripley runs into boot by Morgan. Morgan goes up top but Doudrop pushes her into a pod. Morgan’s knee gets caught on the ring post. Ripley tries to suplex Doudrop but Doudrop knocks her away. Morgan hits a sunset flip bomb on Doudrop for the pin.

Doudrop has been eliminated

Belair is released from her pod and clears the ring before press slamming Morgan with one arm. Belair and Ripley hit stereo-delayed vertical suplexes. Ripley slaps Belair. Belair slaps Ripley the two trade strikes. Belair almost hits the KOD. Morgan lands a double code breaker on Belair and Ripley. Bliss hits Twisted Bliss on Morgan.

Liv Morgan has been eliminated

Belair hits the KOD on Ripley and gets the pin.

Rhea Ripley has been eliminated

Bliss hits the code red on Belair. Belair kicks out. Bliss tries a ranna but Belair puts on the breaks and powerbombs Bliss into the chamber over and over again. Bliss and Belair trade pin attempts. Belair does a front flip to counter a DDT from Bliss (I’ve never seen that before). Belair hits the KOD for the win.

Alexa Bliss has been eliminated

Winner & NEW #1 Contender for the RAW Women’s Championship: Bianca Belair.

Ratings: 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Charlotte Flair & Sonya Deville Vs. Ronda Rousey & Naomi (Rousey must compete with one arm tied behind her back)

Deville takes off her sling and laughs at Rousey. Rousey seems to not care at all. After a distraction from Flair, Deville attacks her from behind. Rousey clocks Deville with her free hand. Step-up knee by Rousey. Rousey demands Flair get in the ring. Flair tags in and immediately tag back out. Naomi tags in and Thez presses Deville. Deville sends Naomi into the top turnbuckle. Rousey tags in and Judo throws Deville.

Rousey is about to lock in an armbar but Flair boots her in the head. Flair sends Rousey’s free arm into the ring post. Flair works over Rousey’s free arm. Deville and Flair take turns working over Rousey. Rousey manages to tag in Naomi. Naomi unloads on Flair. Naomi floors Flair with a disaster kick. Flair rolls out of the ring. Corkscrew plancha by Naomi. Naomi gets a near fall after a crossbody. Flair counters a ranna with a powerbomb. Flair tries to lock in the figure eight but Rousey breaks it up. Rousey and Deville tag in. Deville runs right into Piper’s Pitt from Rousey. Rousey traps Deville’s arm. Rousey begs Flair to try to save Deville. Flair just stands there. Rousey drops into an armbar. Deville taps out.

Winners: Ronda Rousey & Naomi.

Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars.

Drew McIntyre Vs. Madcap Moss – Falls Count Anywhere Match

Moss and Corbin attack McIntyre. McIntyre sends Moss out of the ring before chasing Corbin out of the ringside area. Before Moss can react, McIntyre sends Moss into the LED board on the stage. McIntyre is about to powerbomb Moss off the stage but Corbin attacks him from behind. Moss gets a near fall after a double suplex by him and Corbin. 

McIntyre lands a series of overhead throws. McIntyre hits an Alabama slam but Moss lands on the top of his head. That was nasty. McIntyre suplexes Moss outside the ring and over the announce table. McIntyre calls for the Claymore but Corbin hits him with a chair. Moss and Corbin send McIntyre, head first, through the barricade. McIntyre kicks out. McIntyre hits the future shock DDT. Corbin almost beheads Corbin with his sword, Angela. McIntyre hits the Claymore while holding the sword. McIntyre pins Moss with his foot on Moss’ chest while pointing Angela at Corbin.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars.

Becky Lynch (c) Vs. Lita – RAW Women’s Championship

Lynch immediately tries the Disarm-her but Lita avoids it. Lita lands a series of strikes. Lynch is livid. Head scissors by Lita. Lita calls for the Twist of Fate but Lynch escapes. Lynch sends Lita into the turnbuckle. Lynch focuses her attack on Lita’s previously injured neck.

Both women goes back and forth throughout the match and Lita hits the Stratussphere. Lita hits the OG Dirty Deeds for a near fall. Lynch isn’t moving. Lita sets up a Moonsault. Lynch crotches her on the top rope. Lynch locks in the Disarm-her. Lita gets to the ropes. Lynch hits the Manhandle Slam. Lita gets her foot on the bottom rope. Lynch misses moonsault of her own. Twist of Fate by Lita. Lita hits her Moonsaullt. Lynch kicks out. Lynch hits a Manhandle Slam out of nowhere for the win.

Winner: Becky Lynch

Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars

The Usos (c) Vs. The Viking Raiders – Smackdown Tag Team Championships

Before the match Usos attacked the Raiders and refs came out to stop the attack.

Winner: No Contest.

Ratings: -1 out of 5 Stars.

Bobby Lashley (c) Vs. Brock Lesnar Vs. Riddle Vs. AJ Styles Vs. Austin Theory Vs. Seth Rollins – Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Championship

Theory takes a selfie with everyone already in a pod while exclaiming “I’m going to beat you”. Rollins and Theory start the match. Theory and Rollins take turns mocking each other. Rollins eventually hit a sling blade. Fallaway slam by Theory. Theory lands a back suplex. Theory crushes Rollins with slingshot stomp. Fisherman’s suplex by Theory. Rollins responds with a basement superkick. Theory is down. Rollins sends Theory into the chamber over and over again. Rollins powerbombs  Theory into Lashley’s pod, breaking it and sending Lashley to the floor.

Lashley is down. Riddle’s pod opens. Riddle lands a suplex followed by a broton on Rollins. Medical professionals check on Lashley in his pod. Rollins works over Riddle. Adam Pearce is in the Chamber to check on Lashley as well. Rollins suplexes Riddle off the top of Lashley’s pod. Riddle kicks out. Lashley is helped out of the pod. Frog Splash by Rollins for another near fall. Styles is released from his pod. Styles clears the ring. Lesnar comes out on his own and F5 Rollins & Riddle to eliminate them followed with a suplex to Styles and then he hits F5 on Styles as well to eliminate him. Theory tries to escape the chamber but Lesnar caught him and Theory hits a low blow on Lesnar follwed with a dropkick and DDT for one count.

Lesnar gets pissed off and Theory again tries to run away from Lesnar and climbs the cage and Lesnar climbs the cage as well and F5 him off the top of the pod and pins him to become the WWE Champion.

Winner & NEW WWE Champion: Brock Lesnar.

Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars.

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