WWE Elimination Chamber Results (21st Feb. 2021) – MIZ CASHES IN!!!!

The Miz

Photo Credit: WWE

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Kevin Owens Vs. Daniel Bryan Vs. Sami Zayn Vs. King Corbin Vs. Jey Uso Vs. Cesaro – Smackdown’s Elimination Chamber for the #1 Contender for Universal Championship

Cesaro & Daniel Bryan starts the match. Both men goes back and forth at the start of the match. Bryan hits the running knee from the top rope on Cesaro followed with a missile dropkick for a two count. Cesaro fights back with a vicious clothesline on Bryan. Cesaro starts working over Bryan’s left knee. Both men tries to put each other on submission holds, followed with a back and forth of uppercuts. Cesaro takes control over Bryan and hits a suplex on Bryan for a two count.

King Corbin is out next.

Corbin attacks Cesaro and Bryan and uses Chamber as a weapon on both men. Cesaro fights back and hits Bryan and Corbin with a series of running uppercuts. Corbin counters with a Deep six on Cesaro for a two count. Corbin hits Bryan’s knee on Zayn’s pod and Jey’s pod. Corbin works over his injured knee. Corbin hits a sidewalk slam on Bryan for a two count. Cesaro enters the ring and tries to fight back Corbin but Corbin throws him outside the ring and continue his attack on Bryan.

Sami Zayn is next.

Zayn refuse to come out and Corbin yells at him, Bryan hits a running knee on Corbin and Zayn taunts Corbin. Cesaro attacks Zayn inside the pod. Bryan kicks Zayn in the chest and use Chamber as a weapon. Corbin attacks Bryan once again. Zayn tries to hit the Helluva Kick but Bryan moves and Zayn hits his ankle on the pod. Corbin hits a superplex on Bryan. Zayn hits a Tornado DDT on Cesaro for a two count. Zayn climbs on the top of the pod and Cesaro joins him at the top. Cesaro hits Zayn with some uppercuts. Cesaro bounces Zayn’s head into the Chamber again and again and Zayn falls off from the top. Corbin catches Cesaro and slams him and Corbin hits a chokeslam on Bryan. Cesaro hits a Cesaro Swing on Corbin followed with a Sharpshooter, Corbin taps out.

King Corbin is ELIMINATED.

Kevin Owens is next.

Zayn tries to convince Owens to work with him in the match. Owens slams Zayn into the pods again and again. Owens hits the Enzulgiri on Cesaro. Bryan tries to put Owens in the sleeper hold but Owens slams Bryan onto Cesaro and pins for a two count. Owens hits a Superkick on Zayn. Owens hits the cannonball on Zayn, Cesaro and Bryan. Zayn hits a suplex on Owens. Cesaro hits the uppercut on Zayn. Bryan hits the running knee on Cesaro. Owens hits the pop up powerbomb on Bryan.

Jey Uso is next.

Owens attack Jey Uso as soon as he gets out of the pod. Owens climbs to the top of the pod and performs a moonsault and take out everyone. Owens hits stunner on Cesaro and Bryan. Owens hits Stunner on Zayn and covers him for three count.

Sami Zayn is eliminated.

Uso puts Owens arm in the Chamber’s door and Owens is trapped. Uso hits several superkicks on Owens followed with an Uso Splash for the pin.

Kevin Owens is eliminated.

Cesaro hits an uppercut on Uso followed with an elbow drop from the top. Cesaro hits a double foot stomp on Uso and swings Uso and slams him into the Chmaber. Cesaro caught Bryan and slams him. Bryan fights back with a kick on the mid section of Cesaro. Bryan and Cesaro goes back and forth. Bryan is fired up and kicks Cesaro in the face again and again. Bryan sets up for running knee but Cesaro counters. Bryan climbs to the top rope and Cesaro hits an uppercut followed with a gutbuster off the top on Bryan. Cesaro hits a Cesaro Swing but Uso superkicks him and hits an Uso Splash and covers him for three.

Cesaro is eliminated.

Uso hits an Uso Splash on Bryan, but Bryan kicks out at two. Uso climbs to the top of the pod and hits an Uso Splash but Bryan counters and hits the running knee on Uso for the three count.

Jey Uso is eliminated.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

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