WWE Extreme Rules 2020 Results

Photo Credit: WWE
Bayley (c) Vs Nikki Cross for the Smackdown Women’s Championship
Nikki Cross came out with Alexa Bliss and Bayley came out with Sasha Banks. Bayley taunts Cross at the start of the match. Cross hits neckbreaker on Bayley for the two count.
Cross hits tornado DDT on Bayley at the ringside and again she got the two count. Bayley throws Cross outside the ring and slams Cross onto the plexiglass.
Bayley dominates Cross and locks her up in the sleeper hold. Cross fights her off but Bayley overpowers her and taunts her. Bayley tried to hit Bayley to belly but Cross counters her and again Bayley tries to hit her with finisher and got successful. But, Cross kicks out at two.
Bayley hits Superplex on Cross from the top rope and got the two count. Cross hits inverted DDP on Bayley and hits the Bulldog. Cross gets on the top rope and tries to hit crossbody but Bayley ducks her.
Cross hits two back suplexes on Bayley and got the two count. Cross hits neckbreaker on Bayley at the ringside. Sasha gave brass knucks to Bayley and distract the referee. While referee was distracted Bayley punches Cross at the stomach with the brass knucks and hits her finisher for the win.
Winner: Bayley