WWE Extreme Rules 2021 Results (Sept. 26th, 2021) – Sasha Banks RETURNS!!

Photo Credit: WWE
WWE Extreme Rules 2021 Full Results (26th Sept. 2021)
Kick Off Show:
Liv Morgan Vs. Carmella
Morgan wins the match after hitting her finisher on Carmella.
Winner: Liv Morgan
The New Day Vs. AJ Styles, Omos & Bobby Lashley
Woods and Styles starts the match and Styles quickly goes for Calf Crusher on Woods. Woods grab the ropes to break the hold and tags Kofi in, Kofi and Styles goes back and forth and Kofi tags Big E and Styles tags Lashley in. Both the big guys goes back and forth and The New Day got the upper hand on Lashley and hits him with the Unicorn Stampede.
Lashley fights back and overpowers Kofi and tags Styles in, now the heels are under control and Kofi fights back and hits a Enzulgiri on Styles. Styles tags Lashley in and The Almighty hits the Uranage on Kofi for a two count. Lashley tries to hits the Dominator but Kofi counters it and tag Woods in. Woods hits the flurry of strikes followed with a tornado DDT for a two count.
Lashley hits a powerslam on Woods for a nearfall. Woods hits the missile dropkick on Lashley and tags E in. Lashley tags Styles and E overpowers Styles. E hits the Big Splash on Styles. Styles fights back with a pele kick, E kicks out at two. Kofi blind tags E and hits a double team maneuver on Styles but Lashley breaks the pin.
Lashley sets up for spear but Kofi moves, Lashley accidentally hits the spear on Styles and E hits the Big Landing on Lashley to score the pinfall.
Winner: The New Day
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars