WWE Fastlane 2021 Results (21st March 2021) – The Fiend Returns

Photo Credit: WWE
Backstage, Shane McMahon was shown walking with the crutches, as he was injured during his training earlier this morning. Elias with Jaxson Ryker walks over to Shane and offers him help.
Big E (c) Vs. Apollo Crews – Intercontinental Championship
Both men trade shots at each other and Big E hits the spear on Apollo through the second rope. Big E hits a splash on Apollo and tells him that he ask for this and hits another splash. Big E annihilates Apollo and hits him with Belly to Belly suplexes.
Apollo fights back with a dropkick to Big E’s leg followed with three back to back German Suplexes on Big E. Apollo hits a spinebuster on Big E followed with a Frog Splash off the top rope. After few back and forth, both men tries to roll each other up and Big E got the three count.
Winner: Big E
After the match, Apollo attacks Big E and hits him with an Angle Slam followed with another Angle slam.