WWE Fastlane 2021 Results (21st March 2021) – The Fiend Returns

Photo Credit: WWE
Seth Rollins Vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Both men goes back and forth and Nakamura takes control over Rollins at the start of the match. Rollins fights back and throws Nakamura out of the ring and slams his face onto the announcer’s table. Rollins works over the mid section of Nakamura and covers him, Nakamura kicks out at two.
Rollins tries to perform the Cesaro’s Swing on Nakamura, but Nakamura counters it into an armbar. Nakamura takes control over Rollins and covers him, Rollins kicks out at two. Nakamura climbs the mid rope and Rollins pushes him off the rope to the outside of the ring. Rollins performs a Suicide dive on Nakamura.
Rollins hits a slingblade on Nakamura for the two count. Both men trade punches at each other. Nakamura sets up for the Kinsasha but Rollins counters it to a buckle bomb followed with an Falcon Arrow for the two count. Rollins tries to hit the Stomp but Nakamura counters it into a package driver follower with a reverse exploder for the two count.
Rollins fights back with a kick to the back of the head of Nakamura followed with a Stomp for the victory.
Winner: Seth Rollins