WWE Fastlane 2021 Results (21st March 2021) – The Fiend Returns

Photo Credit: WWE
Randy Orton Vs. Alexa Bliss
Orton came down to the ring and while posing in the turnbuckle, once again the black goo comes out of his mouth and Alexa Bliss came out. As soon as the ring bells, Orton charges to Bliss but suddenly fire comes out of the ring to stop Orton. Orton gets frustrated and charges to Bliss and hits his shoulder first onto the ring post.
Bliss hits Orton with a fireball and a burned hand appears from inside the ring and grabs Orton’s legs. The Fiend comes out under the ring with a complete new burned look. Honestly, he is looking like a burned Jason from Friday the 13th. Bliss pushes Orton and Fiend hits the Sister Abigail to Orton and Bliss covers him for victory.
Winner: Alexa Bliss