WWE Fastlane 2021 Results (21st March 2021) – The Fiend Returns

Photo Credit: WWE
Roman Reigns (c) Vs. Daniel Bryan: Edge as a Special Guest Enforcer – Universal Championship
Bryan tries to lock Reigns in the submission holds and keep teasing him with smart moves with a smirk on his face. Reigns gets frustrated and locks Bryan in the headlock. Bryan reverses into a submission hold on Reigns, but Reigns headbutts Bryan to break the hold.
Reigns takes control over Bryan, but Bryan fights back with a dropkick to the face of Reigns. Bryan earns some momentum but Reigns hits a swinging slam on Bryan to kill the momentum. Reigns hits a suplex on Bryan for the two count. Reigns dominates Bryan.
Bryan fights back with a drop toehold on Reigns followed with the running kicks to the corner. Bryan tries to perform the hurricanranna off the top rope but Reigns counters it into an Boston Crab, Bryan counters it into a pin attempt and Reigns kicks out at two.
Bryan pushes Reigns onto the ring post followed with a running knee off the apron. Bryan hits a missile dropkick on Reigns and get the two count. Bryan hits the Yes kicks on Reigns, but Reigns catches Bryan legs and punches him hard on his face. Reigns tries to hit the powerbomb but Bryan counters it into an hurricanranna for the two count.
Bryan stomps on Reigns face and puts him in the Yes Lock. Reigns counters and hits his elbow on Bryan face followed with a powerbomb for the two count. Reigns tries to hit the spear but Bryan counters it and sets up for the running knee. Bryan hits the running knee to referee accidentally and Reigns hits the spear. Edge enters the ring as ref and counts. Bryan kicks out at two.
Bryan puts Reigns in the Yes Lock once again and Jey Uso attacks Edge. Bryan hits the running knee on Jey Uso followed with a chair attack. Bryan hits Edge with the chair and puts Reigns in the Yes Lock again, Reigns taps out but Edge hits Bryan with the chair to break the hold. Edge attacks both Reigns and Bryan with the chair and leaves. Reigns covers Bryan for the victory.
Winner: Roman Reigns