WWE Hell in a Cell 2022 Results (Jun 05, 2022) – Cody steals the show.

Photo Credit: WWE
WWE Hell in a Cell 2022 Full Results – Jun 05th, 2022
Bianca Belair (c) vs. Becky Lynch vs. Asuka – Triple Threat Match for the RAW Women’s Championship
Lynch pushes Belair. Lynch pushes Asuka into Belair but Asuka puts on the breaks. Asuka and Belair send Lynch flying out of the ring. Asuka and Belair face off. Lynch tries a sneak attack but Belair picks her off the top and power slams her. Asuka leaps over Belair and dropkicks Lynch. Lynch gets to her feet. Asuka lands a bulldog/clothesline combo on Belair and Lynch. Asuka traps Belair in a flying armbar. Belair power out of it. Lynch tosses Asuka off the top rope onto Belair. Lynch tries to pin both women but can’t keep either of them down. Belair accidentally knocks Asuka off the apron.
Lynch lands a rope hang leg drop on Belair for a near fall. Lynch works over Belair. Asuka eats a baseball slide from Lynch. Lynch sends Asuka back into the ring. Lynch lands a leg drop on Belair. Asuka breaks up the pin with a basement kick. Asuka fires up and lands a German suplex. Hip attack by Asuka. Lynch kicks out. Lynch and Asuka trade submission attempts. Belair charges in and tries the KOD but Lynch lands on her feet. Belair beats down Lynch and Asuka in the corner. Lynch grabs Belair’s braid to escape. Belair glam slams Lynch onto Asuka. Handspring moonsault by Belair. Asuka lands a diving lung blower on Belair. Lynch dives off the top into a lung blower.
Asuka puts Belair and Lynch in the ankle lock at the same time. Lynch and Belair roll Asuka out of the ring. Belair and Lynch trade shots. Lynch locks Belair in the Disarmher. Belair escapes. Lynch drops Belair with the Manhandle Slam. Asuka breaks up the pin. Belair tries another Glam slam but Asuka kicks her in the head as Lynch ducks. Lynch tosses Asuka out of the ring and tries to pin Belair. Asuka breaks up the pin again. Belair gets knocked off the apron. Lynch and Asuka trade pins attempts. Asuka traps Lynch in the Asuka Lock. Lynch escapes. Belair is sent out of the ring again. Lynch lands the Manhandle Slam on Asuka. Lynch tries to pin Asuka but Belair tosses Lynch out of the ring and steals her pin.
Winner: Bianca Belair
Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars
Bobby Lashley vs. Omos & MVP – 2 on 1 Handicap Match
MVP starts the match off and dances around with Lashley for a minute before tagging Omos in. Lashley tries to lock Omos up but Omos powers out. Lashley tries for a clothesline but just bounces off the giant Omos. Bobby locks in an arm lock but Omos throws him off of him and the two stare each other down. Omos challenges Bobby Lashley to a test of strength but Omos is just toying with him which causes Bobby to start hitting him with right hands. Lashley goes after MVP and that distraction allows Omos to take control with some right hands, a big splash in the corner and then throws him across the ring.
MVP tags in and starts unleashing right hands on Bobby before going for a pin attempt that only gets him 2. Lashley gets up and takes control after ducking a clothesline but MVP rakes his eyes and immediately tags in Omos. Bobby drop kicks Omos in the knee and then clotheslines him in the back to take Omos to the ground. Lashley tries for a suplex but Omos reverses it for a front suplex slam, followed by a snake eyes in the corner and a corner splash. A second splash by Omos followed by a third. MVP tags himself in and stares Bobby down. MVP runs in and hits his version of the helluva kick that sends Bobby Lashley to the outside of the ring. Omos gets tagged in and charges around the ring where he shoulder thrusts Bobby Lashley through the barricade. Omos goes in the ring and the ref starts the 10 count. We get to 9 and Bobby throws himself into the ring, and MVP tags back in.
MVP gets a full mount on Bobby and unleashes right hands. He goes for another pinfall for 2 and then goes right into forearms across Lashley’s face. He hits a knee drop and another 2 count. Bobby Lashley is crawling and MVP goes for his finisher but Bobby reverses it and knocks Omos off the apron followed by hitting MVP with a spear. He goes for the pin but Omos breaks it up. Omos goes for a claw slam on Lashley but Credric Alexander distracts him as he tries to attack Omos. As Omos turns back around, he gets a spear from Bobby. MVP tries for the big boot again in the corner but Lashley moves and Bobby locks in the Hurt Lock. MVP taps out!
Winner: Bobby Lashley
Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars
Ezekiel vs. Kevin Owens
Kevin starts the match off by calling Ezekiel a liar multiple times. As the crowd starts to chant for Ezekiel, Kevin runs in and Zeke hits a high knee followed by a flying elbow drop. He goes for a quick pinfall win but only gets 2. Kevin rolls outside and Ezekiel follows after him with right hands. Kevin fights back with a boot, but Ezekiel slams him into the apron and then the announcers table. Zeke rolls in and out to restart the count and both men exchange chops before Kevin Owens throws Ezekiel into the ring post. Kevin Owens rolls in the ring and the ref starts the count. Ezekiel rolls in the ring and Kevin Owens immediately hits him with a ddt followed by a 2 count.
In a fit of rage that it wasn’t a 3 count, Kevin Owens starts stomping Ezekiel into the mat. He hits a senton bomb, followed by a middle rope moonsault that only gets him another 2 count. Ezekiel is bleeding from his eye. He tries to fight back from the ground but Kevin Owens strikes him down followed by Kevin yelling at the crowd “THAT’s ELIIIIIAAAAASSSS!” He then puts Ezekiel in a rear chin lock. The crowd chants for ZEKE as he fights out of the lock but Kevin Owens hits him with a clothesline to kill any momentum. He throws Ezekiel into the ropes and then holds Zeke’s mouth open as he yells into the camera “SMILE FOR THE CAMERA ELIAS!” Ezekiel hits a chop and then sends Kevin Owens into the corner where KO flips himself up in the air and drops.
Both men struggle to get to their feet and then start to exchange blows. Ezekiel throws Kevin in the ropes and hits a back elbow but as he goes after him in the corner, Kevin gets a boot up and hits a tornado ddt for a 2 count. KO immediately goes to the top rope and goes for a swanton bomb but Ezekiel gets his knees up. Both men are struggling to get up once again. Ezekiel gets the upper hand and starts punishing Kevin Owens in the corner with right hands and boots to the gut. Kevin reverses a throw in the corner to Ezekiel but he gets his feet up and hits the double kick out of the air. Ezekiel then hits 2 big splashes in the corner, misses the 3rd but hits Kevin Owens with a spinebuster that gets him a 2 count.
Ezekiel goes for the spinning fisherman, but Kevin Owens reverses it and goes for a stunner but Zeke runs out of it but when he comes back, KO hits the pop up powerbomb and gets a 2 count. “YOU’RE ELIAS! ADMIT IT!” Kevin Owens screams as he slaps Ezekiel. Zeke slaps him and Kevin goes for the stunner again but Ezekiel reverses it again and gets a rollup for a 2 count. As Zeke goes to the top rope, Kevin knocks him down and hits 2 super kicks before throwing him down in the corner and hits a running cannonball. He pulls Ezekiel out and hits a stunner. He pins him as he looks into the camera “HE’S ELIAS!” 1, 2, 3.
Winner: Kevin Owens
Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars
BullLiv Club vs. Judgment Day
The match starts off with Rhea and Liv. All members get in the ring though and all hell breaks loose. Priest and Edge get tossed out and Rhea is down. Finn tosses Liv into AJ who throws her up on to Rhea for a hurricanrana that sends Rhea in the corner. She hits a running knee but when she goes at her again, Rhea hits her with a headbutt that stops Liv dead in her tracks. Rhea taunts AJ and Finn before going back to work and hitting Liv with a snap suplex. Rhea picks Liv up and hits Liv with another suplex after holding her in the air for several seconds. She goes for the pin and only gets a 2 count. Rhea throws Liv in the corner and starts hitting her with shoulder thrusts. As the ref pulls Rhea away, Liv hits her with a boot to the face and follows it up with a missile dropkick off the top. Rhea crawls to the corner and Liv tags in AJ. Styles calls out Edge but Priest steps in. Damian goes for a kick but AJ catches him and sends him in the ropes and follows it up with a dropkick. AJ then hits a pele kick and tags Finn in. Finn Balor goes to work on Damian Priest’s arm. Finn hits the ropes and hits a dropkick to Priest’s legs to take him down. He backs Priest in the corner and works on his leg.
Edge distracts Finn and Priest hits a forearm to the back of Balor so that he can take control. Priest throws Finn outside and Edge tags in. He walks over and levels Finn with a forearm to the head. Edge slams Finn on the table, the apron and then rolls him into the ring. Edge taunts everybody before going back at Finn with forearms to the head before tagging Priest back in. With Finn in the corner, Priest unloads boots and right hands. Edge chokes Finn for a second and then Priest hits a big splash followed by a jumping clothesline. Priest goes for the pin and only gets 2. Edge tags in and chops Balor to the ground. Edge throws Finn into the corner hard, and Balor drops to the mat in pain. Edge throws him back into his corner but Balor starts to fight back for a minute before Edge hits him with a face first suplex, followed by a 2 count. Priest gets the tag and as he picks up Balor he pushes him into the ropes and hits a clothesline, followed by yet another 2 count.
Damian Priest locks in a chin hold on the mat, but Balor is able to escape. As he goes for a tag, Priest pulls him back and hits a side slam backbreaker. Priest begins to toy with Balor as he kicks him multiple times. Balor hits a chop to fight back, but Priest hits the clap on Balor’s head. Balor hits a pele kick on Priest as well. Double hot tag, Edge and AJ are in. AJ Styles unloads all the hits on Edge and Priest. AJ hits the fireman’s neck breaker and goes for the pin, but only gets a 2 count. Styles goes for the Styles Clash but Rhea comes in. Liv cuts her off and Edge goes to the corner. AJ goes after him but Edge puts him on the apron. AJ hits a running knee on Priest and then hits the Phenomenal Forearm on Edge. 1, 2… Priest pulls AJ Styles out and knocks him to the ground. AJ crawls in the ring and Liv and Rhea both get the tag.
Liv hits a hurricanrana and a running knee. Liv then hits Rhea with a crucifix that only gets her 2. As Liv goes for her finisher on the ropes, Rhea moves and hits Liv with a half and half suplex. Rhea then hits a modified suplex that only gets her another 2 count. Rhea pulls Liv up and goes for the Rip Tide but Liv rolls out and tags in Finn. She then takes down Rhea as Finn and AJ take out Edge and Priest. All of Judgement Day is on the outside and AJ, Finn and Liv each hit a dive to the outside on all of the members. Finn and Priest are the legal men, and Priest is rolled in the ring. Finn goes for the coup de gras, but Rhea shakes the ropes and Finn falls. Priest tags in Edge and both men go for their finisher. Finn kicks Edge but gets a chokeslam from Priest. AJ hits Priest with a Phenomenal Forearm and then Edge throws AJ into the corner and outside. Edge goes for the spear but Finn rolls him up for 2. Finn goes up again but Rhea stands in his way. Liv jumps on Rhea’s back and they fall outside the ring. Finn jumps down but Edge moves and as Finn turns around, Edge hits the spear for 1, 2, 3.
Winner: Judgement Day
Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars.
Madcap Moss vs. Happy Corbin – No Holds Barred Match
The match gets underway and they start brawling up the ramp. They fight their way back down and Madcap bounces Corbin into the barricade. Moss grabs a steel chair but Corbin takes it away and throws it. They fight around the announce desk and Corbin shoves Madcap right over it! Moss throws a leather chair into Corbin’s face.
Moss shoves Corbin into the steel steps, then the next set of steps. Moss lifts the steps but Corbin runs away and climbs over the barricade. Moss goes after him but Corbin immediately clotheslines him over over it. Corbin beats Moss around ringside and suplexes him onto the barricade. The fans chant “we want tables”, so Corbin grabs one… then slides it back under the ring.
Corbin puts Moss back into the ring and mocks the fans. Corbin chokeslams Moss, then goes under the ring for a chair and beats Madcap with it. Happy sets the chair up and sits Moss on it, then runs at him ut Madcap hits a drop toe hold onto the chair. Moss wants a neckbreaker but Corbin shoves him off and hits Deep Six for a near-fall.
Corbin wedges a chair between the ropes but Moss whips him into it. Moss goes outside and brings a steel chair in. Corbin knocks the chair from his hand but Moss beats him into the corner and hits a shoulder. Corbin rols out and Moss runs at him but Happy hits a chop block. Corbin wraps a chair around Moss’s head, then runs him into the announce desk.
Corbin brings steel steps into the ring and props them up in the corner. Happy looks to throw Moss into them, but Madcap slides off the shoulder, lifts Corbin and hits a fallaway slam into the steps. Moss puts the steel chair around Corbin’s head, then lifts the steel steps and slams them into the chair! Moss covers Corbin for the win.
Winner: Madcap Moss
Ratings: 3.5 out of 5 stars.
Mustafa Ali vs. Theory (c) – United States Championship
Ali with an arm drag and Theory bails from the ring. Theory gets back in but Ali catches him with more arm drags and again he jumps out. Theory is furious and the fans are chanting for hometown boy Ali. Theory stays on the outside, so Ali hits a baseball slide.
Ali goes to the top rope and hits a flying crossbody to Theory on the floor. Mustafa gets Theory back inside and goes to the top rope. Theory swipes his feet and Ali crashes to the floor. Theory gets Ali back in the ring and stays in control for a few minutes. Ali hits a neckbreaker and gets Theory on the top rope where he chops him.
Theory shoves Ali off the ropes and he lands on his feet but favours his leg. Theory jumps at him but Ali superkicks him in mid-air for a two-count. Theory slings Ali into the middle rope neck-first. Ali goes to the top but Theory leaps up and hits a springboard Spanish fly for a near-fall. They trade pin attempts and Ali connects with a clothesline and both men are down.
Theory tried to hit him with A-Town Down but Ali blocks it and hits a Tornado DDT. Ali goes for 450 splash but Theory moves and Ali falls flat on the mat and Theory chop blocks him with a follow up A-Town down to win the match.
Winner: Theory
Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars.
Cody Rhodes vs. Seth Rollins – Hell in a Cell Match
Rollins comes to the ring wearing polka dots, Dusty Rhodes-style. Rhodes’ music hits and he doesn’t immediately come out. When he finally makes his entrance, Rhodes is clearly hurt. He has a massive bruise on his chest from his pec injury. Rhodes hesitates to take off his jacket. Once he does, it exposes the purple mess of a bruise on his chest. Rollins and Rhodes circle each other. Rhodes lands a few right hands. Disaster kick by Rhodes. Rhodes hits the Cody Cutter but he hurt himself in the process. Rhodes traps Rollins in a figure four. Rollins drags himself to the rope and pulls a kendo stick from under the ring. Rollins hits Rhodes in the chest with it. Rollins sends Rhodes into the cell multiple times. Rhodes fires up and lands a series of clotheslines.
Rhodes sends Rollins over the top with another clothesline. Rollins smacks Rhodes in the chest with the ring steps. As Rhodes writhes in pain in the ring, Rollins puts on Rhodes’ ring jacket and pulls a polka dot-laden weight belt with “visionary” on it. Rollins whips Rhodes in the chest with the belt. Rollins set up a table in the ring. Rhodes fights out of the superplex and sets up a powerbomb. Rollins escapes and elbows Rhodes in the head. Rhodes falls on the table. Rollins tries a frog splash but Rhodes moves. Rhodes pulls a bull rope from under the ring and demands Rollins attach himself to it. Rhodes suplexes Rollins using the bull rope. Superkick by Rhodes.
Rhodes wacks Rollins in the head with the bell on the bull rope. Rollins kicks out. Rollins uses the rope to pull Rhodes into the ring post multiple times. Rollins pulls another table into the ring. Rhodes is barely moving. Rollins tries to powerbomb Rhodes through the table but Rhodes escapes. Rhodes hits Cross Rhodes. Rollins kicks out again. Rollins yanks Rhodes injured arm. As Rhodes crumbles from the pain, Rollins quickly picks him up and powerbombs him through the table. Rhodes kicks out. Rollins pulls a sledgehammer from under the ring. Rhodes avoids Rollins’ Sledgehammer shot but almost gets Pedigreed.
Rhodes reverses it and hits a Pedigree of his own. Rollins kicks out. Rhodes picks up the hammer but Rollins rolls out of the ring. Rhodes chases Rollins but as he rolls back into the ring, Rollins surprises him with a Curb Stomp. Rhodes somehow kicks out. Rollins hits a Cross Rhodes on Rhodes but Rhodes rolls through and hits multiple Cross Rhodes. Rhodes picks up the sledgehammer and hits Rollins in the head with it. Rhodes pins Rollins.
Winner- Cody Rhodes
Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars.