WWE Night of Champions 2023 Results (May 27, 2023) – The End of Bloodline!!!

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WWE Night of Champions 2023 Results – May 27, 2023
Seth Rollins Vs. AJ Styles – World Heavyweight Championship
Both men circle each other to start the match but when they go for a lockup, Seth ducks underneath and plays to the crowd. After a moment, they go for a test of strength and Seth does it again. But this time, the distraction allows AJ to hit him with a dropkick before clotheslining him out of the ring. As AJ goes for an over-the-top-rope move, Seth slides back in and AJ lands on the apron. He comes back into the ring, and Seth puts him in a side headlock. A quick throw against the rope leads to a stalemate and both men look at each other briefly before Seth hits the sling blade.
AJ Styles rolls out of the ring, but Seth goes to the apron and hits a flying knee to AJ before rolling him back in the ring. Rollins goes for his front-face stomp but AJ ducks it. Seth hits him in the back of the head and gets a quick 2 count. Moments later, Seth goes for a suplex but AJ blocks it before picking Seth up and driving him into the corner. He follows it up with a few shoulder thrusts and a knee to the face. He gives Seth a kick to the back before putting him in a rear headlock rest hold. Seth starts to battle back and throws AJ into the corner but AJ leaps over and Seth hits hard.
AJ hits a few chops before Seth tries to escape to another corner. AJ goes after him but Seth gets the upper hand and throws AJ into the corner headfirst on the middle turnbuckle. He puts AJ on the top rope and gives him a chop that knocks AJ down to the apron. Seth picks him back up and goes for a superplex but AJ slides through his legs and kicks Seth’s feet out from under him, sending him down to the ring.
Seth and AJ go back and forth, exchanging their right hands. AJ finally grabs Seth and hits a snap suplex that sends Seth into the corner of his head. AJ picks Seth up after they rest for a second but Seth comes out swinging with rights, lefts, and chops. Seth goes for a haymaker but AJ reverses and hits his combo to the midsection of Seth. AJ slams him again and picks up his first 2 counts. AJ goes for his Styles Clash but Seth backs him into the corner. As Seth tries for another shoulder thrust, AJ reverses it into his backflip reverse DDT that picks him up another 2 counts. AJ has now put Seth up on the top rope but Seth kicks AJ back and jumps down for a sunset bomb for a 2 count. AJ kicks out but AJ picks him up and hits the buckle bomb followed by a frog splash that gets him a 2 count. “This is Awesome” chants begin.
Both men struggle to get up for a moment but when they do, Seth hits a spinning elbow followed by his neckbreaker switch into the forearm to the back of AJ but AJ ducks underneath and hits his package suplex neckbreaker over his knee to Seth that gets him a 2 count.
AJ picks Seth up and goes for a Styles Clash again but Seth reverses it into a pedigree that also gets reversed by AJ who ends the back and forth with a Pele kick. Seth crawls to the corner and AJ stalks over towards him and climbs to the top rope. He grabs Seth’s arms and looks to go for a Styles Clash from the second rope but Seth flips AJ off the top with his legs and then picks AJ up to put him on the top rope backward. He hits a few right hands to the back of AJ’s head but AJ fights back to knock Seth down. But Seth flies back up to the top and hits a top rope inverted superplex and rolls through to hit another side suplex that only gets Seth another 2 counts.
Seth Rollins stomps AJ back to the ground one time before going to the top rope where he goes for the Phoenix splash but misses like always. Seth runs at AJ who then grabs him and goes for a tornado DDT but Seth spins him to the outside and AJ goes to the apron. Seth goes for a suplex into the ring but AJ Styles keeps blocking it. AJ brings Seth out to the apron and then hits a dropping brainbuster on the edge of the apron to Seth Rollins that looked absolutely nasty.
AJ Styles picks Seth up and rolls him inside the ring as he slowly pulls himself up the apron to get ready for the Phenomenal Forearm but as he jumps, Seth knocks his feet out and follows it up with a suicide splash but appears to have hurt his knee. Both men slide into the ring to stop the count but as Seth goes for a suplex, AJ reverses it and puts on the Calf Crusher to the bad knee that Seth appeared to have hurt. Seth rolls over but AJ rolls with him and keeps the calf crusher on. Seth wraps his arms around AJ’s neck to choke him and force the hold to break but as they get to their feet, AJ kicks the bad knee, Seth hits a huge clothesline and both men drop to the mat.
Both men get back to their feet and start exchanging their right hands with each other. Seth starts to get the upper hand but Seth finally starts to slap Seth, kicks Seth’s bad knee but Seth hits a forearm and starts kicking AJ in the head. AJ fights back with a right hand and starts hitting headbutts. Rollins hits an enziguri but when AJ goes for the pele kick, Seth ducks underneath and comes back with a kick to the head and a stomp to the hand of AJ. Rollins picks him up but AJ reverses the hold and hits a pedigree on Seth Rollins that gets him a 2 count.
AJ is shaken and takes a second to gather himself before going back out to the apron to go for the phenomenal forearm again. Rollins pulls himself up with the ropes in front of AJ. AJ hits the forearm but when he goes for the springboard forearm, Seth hits a superkick and goes to the corner. Seth goes for the stomp but his knee gives out which allows AJ to go for the calf crusher again but Seth rolled through and brought AJ up into a pedigree. Seth goes to the corner and then hits a stomp to AJ Styles that gives him the 3 counts and the win!
Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Seth Rollins
Triple H comes down to hand the title to Seth Rollins and shakes his hand after the match.
Becky Lynch Vs. Trish Stratus
Trish runs her mouth a bit to start the match off while Becky just stares at her motionless. Trish gets close enough and Becky drops her with a slap. Becky follows it up with stomps in the corner before taking her to another corner face first. More stomps, and takes Trish to another corner face first followed by more stomps. Trish goes outside and when Becky comes after her, Trish slams her into the steel steps twice before playing to the crowd. Becky gets to her feet but Trish slams her head on the announcer’s tables two times before throwing Becky back into the ring. Trish runs up and hits a punt kick to Becky’s ribs and then chokes her on the rope.
Trish pulls Becky over to the corner on the top rope but Becky stumbles away into another corner. Trish comes over and stomps her a few times before going to the top rope again and chokes Becky with a hanging headlock two times. Trish celebrates a bit too much but Becky hits her. As Becky comes back again, Trish hits a tornado DDT and goes for the pinfall twice but only gets a 2 count both times.
Becky crawls to the corner, but Trish chokes her on the bottom turnbuckle with her foot. As Becky tries to get to her feet, Trish hits her with multiple right hands and rubs Becky’s face on the mat before once again, playing to the crowd again. Trish Stratus goes back to the action as she locks in a camel clutch before ripping at Becky’s mouth and dropping her to the mat. Trish grabs Becky by the hair and slams her back to the mat. As Trish goes for it a second time, Becky hits a kick to the head and tries to fight back with some right hands but after running into the ropes, Trish hits a lou thesz press with some right hands that gets her another 2 counts.
Becky gets back to her feet and goes to the corner but Trish comes over and hits a chop. They do this in all 4 corners before Becky has enough and catches one and starts hitting Trish with the right hands of her own. Becky hits the ropes and hits a shoulder block. Trish retreats to the corner, where Becky hits a charging forearm, a springboard sidekick, and tops it off with a Bexploder. Trish tries to leave the ring and gets to the apron but Becky grabs her and hangs Trish on the middle rope so she can hit the top rope leg drop to the back of Trish’s head.
Becky gets a 2 count and Trish immediately rolls out of the ring. As Trish takes a break, Becky hits a baseball slide to her back followed by a jumping forearm to Trish from the apron. Trish gets thrown in the ring and when Becky tries to come after her, Trish reverses it and sends Becky into the corner post. They both get back in the ring, Trish hits a spinebuster to Becky and gets another 2 count. Out of frustration, Trish starts to hit a right hand. Trish puts Becky on the top rope again and goes up to try for a superplex. Becky fights back and pushes Trish down but Trish comes back and hits her handstand leg throw to Becky that gets her only a 2 count once again.
Trish grabs Becky to go for Stratusfaction but Becky blocks it. She takes Trish to the corner and hits an overhead top rope stunner, followed by a leg drop to Trish’s throat that only gets a 2 count. Becky picks Trish up and goes for the Manhandle Slam, but Trish reverses it and goes for the sharpshooter. Trish reverses it and goes for the top rope handstand throw again but Becky blocks it and turns it into a Boston crab that she takes to the center of the ring.
Stratus fights over to the rope to break the hold, and sneaks out of the ring. Becky goes after her but catches a kick to the chest as Becky jumps off the steel steps. Becky slides in the ring at 9 but walks right into a chick kick but Becky is able to kick out at 2 again! Trish is beside herself and doesn’t know what to do next. Trish starts to grab Becky by the hair and talk trash but she does it for too long and Becky snatches Trish’s arm and puts her in the Disarm-Her. Trish screams in pain but eventually grabs Becky’s hair and escapes. Trish goes for the chick kick again but Becky ducks underneath and hits the manhandle slam but she’s too close to the ropes and Trish grabs the rope. Trish goes to the outside and goes under the ring but Becky comes out and grabs her out. She throws Trish back in the ring but Zoey Stark comes out from under the ring and attacks Becky Lynch. Zoey throws Becky in the ring, Trish hits the Stratusfaction and Trish picks up the win!
Winner: Trish Stratus
Gunther (c) Vs. Mustafa Ali – WWE Intercontinental Championship
Ali received a tremendous ovation from the Saudi crowd, Corey Graves pointed out via commentary.
Mustafa Ali won a Battle Royal to get this opportunity.
Ludwig Kaiser stood with Fabian Aichner & introduced ” The Ring General & the longest-reigning IC Champion of the century. ”
Gunther intimidates opponents just by witnessing him.
Gunther let his dominance be displayed. Ali used speed to combat him. Gunther destroyed any resolve Ali might possess. The IC Champion proved dominant with slams, chops, & submissions executed by the Champ! Mustafa got brutalized, with no escape from pain-stricken attacks on the outside. Ali then rallied back momentarily.
Fans saw Ali power bomb Gunther. The No. 1 contender discovered hope while performing his signature 450 splash /against WWE’s IC Title-holder. Imperium’s leader was furious. Ali stunned Gunther after taking him down with a DDT. Gunther used an impressive dropkick & employed the powerbomb to defeat Ali for 1-2-3!!!
Winner: Gunther
Bianca Belair (c) Vs. Asuka – WWE RAW Women’s Championship
The match starts off quickly as Asuka runs right at Bianca. They hit a few reversals on each other but Asuka grabs Bianca’s hair and slams her to the ground. Both women wrestle around on the ground exchanging hands for a bit until they find themselves on their feet just in time for Bianca to knock Asuka back down with a shoulder block. Asuka gets up again and more reversals take place that ends with Asuka hitting a dropkick to Bianca as she goes for a handspring move. Asuka then starts to stomp Bianca’s head a few times, but it isn’t enough as BIanca fights back and sends Asuka to the corner. Bianca hits a shoulder block and then repeats this move again. On the third, Asuka reverses it but Belair was waiting for it and hits Asuka with a one-legged drop kick.
Bianca hits a scoop slam and goes for her handspring back flip but Asuka rolls out of the way and goes to the apron, but Bianca sees it and knocks Asuka down. But when Bianca went to ringside, Asuka was waiting and grabbed Belair’s hair again where she slingshots Bianca into the steps. She throws Bianca in the ring and hits a running kick that gets her a 2 count. Asuka throws on an arm lock but Bianca rolls her up for a 2 count to break the hold. Asuka continues with some kicks and right hands but Belair finally reverses it with a chinbreaker but it hardly phases Asuka who takes Bianca down again and goes for the pinfall but only for 2. Asuka gets up grabs Belair’s arm and kicks her in the ribs multiple times before putting an arm lock on Belair for a rest hold.
Bianca is able to get up and goes for another scoop slam but Asuka reverses it and uses the hair again to drop Bianca. As Belair tries to get up, Asuka kicks her in the head a few times in a disrespectful manner. Asuka takes too much time though and Bianca gets up and starts throwing strikes. Bianca runs off the ropes and hits a blockbuster which keeps both women down for another rest period. Asuka is up first and runs in but Bianca hits a shoulder and kicks to the head. The comeback begins with multiple clotheslines by Bianca and then hits her spinning suplex followed by a kip-up as Asuka crawls to the corner. Bianca goes for the 10 punches in the corner but Asuka slips out and pulls Bianca down with the hair. Asuka lets go and runs at Bianca but Belair hits a backbreaker, followed by her springboard back flip into a pin that only gets her another 2 count.
Bianca charges Asuka in the corner but gets tripped up into the middle turnbuckle. Asuka takes a break as she laughs before getting up and going for the “yes” kicks. Bianca tries to fight back momentarily but is fought off. Both women end up on the top rope but Asuka blocks the superplex and hits a missile dropkick off the top rope instead that gets her only a 2 count. Bianca gets up and Asuka goes for a suplex but Bianca blocks it. Asuka leans into the block and reverses it into an arm bar that Bianca is able to get out of immediately as she goes for a powerbomb. Asuka fights out and bounces off the ropes but runs right into a spinebuster from Bianca that gets her another 2 counts.
Bianca goes for her springboard backflip for a 3rd time but Asuka catches her in the Asuka lock. Bianca rolls her up for 2 which causes the hold to break and the two start exchanging 2 count pin attempts until Asuka drops Bianca with a kick to the side of the head. Asuka starts to drag Bianca around by her ponytail and even drags her to the outside of the ring. Bianca blocks the steel steps and throws Asuka into them instead.
The women brawl outside for a minute before both sliding back in. The match has turned into a free for all brawl but the ref pulls Bianca off which allows Asuka to slide in the corner. Bianca tries to attack but the ref gets between the two which allows Asuka to go for the mist but she misses. Bianca gets mad and tries to hit the K.O.D. but Asuka rolls out and puts Belair in the armbar. Bianca picks her up and slams her down to break the hold. Asuka mists her hand as the ref is distracted and Bianca goes for the K.O.D. again but Asuka rubs her hand with the mist in Belair’s eyes and escapes. She kicks Bianca in the head and then again before going for the pin. 1…2…3!
Winner & NEW RAW Women’s Champion: Asuka
Rhea Ripley (c) Vs. Natalya – WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship
Rhea has carried herself above the rest Nataya will not be overlooked by anyone.
Ripley and Dominik continue their sensational pairing as part of ” The Judgement Day! “
Rhea exemplifies Championship confidence. Dom distracted Natalya. It allowed Rhea to dish out some unforgiving brutality. Ripley utilized announce tables and steel steps. After a headbutt then, the Riptide signified Natayla’s end. Ripley pinned her challenger.
Rhea Ripley retains & remains impressive as SmackDown Women’s Champion!!!
Winner: Rhea Ripley
Brock Lesnar Vs. Cody Rhodes
Lesnar progresses with his painful strategy, targeting Rhodes after WrestleMania.
The American Nightmare defeated Brock previously at Backlash. This intense rivalry ensued on episodes of Monday Night RAW!
One of Combat Sport’s most dominating athletes wanted Cody to oppose him. The Beast broke Rhode’s arm. Cody will not let injuries stop his journey to defeat Lesnar twice.
Brock was cheerful as he looked across at Cody. Lesnar went after his opponent, and Cody went away from Brock. He drew Lesnar back into the ring. Brock would afflict punishment on Rhodes concerning the corner. Cody took a trip to Suplex City (3 suplexes). The American Nightmare realized his cast was a weapon. Rhodes hits a disaster kick & Crossroads. Cody nails a second Crossroads. Lesnar locked in the Kimura Lock submission. Cody attempted to win as he did at Backlash. The Beast proved relentless. Cody made it to the rope that forced a break. Cody countered the F-5 by hitting another Crossroads into a near fall. Rhodes fought back with his cast. Brock lands an F-5, but Cody survives. Brock applies the Kimura Lock again.
Cody is unconscious & Brock submits Rhodes!!!
Winner: Brock Lesnar
Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn (c) Vs. Roman Reigns & Solo Sikoa w/Paul Heyman – WWE Undisputed Tag Team Championships.
KO & Zayn are problematic for The Bloodline, especially for Jimmy and Jey Uso. Reigns showed disappointment in his cousins. He’s enlisted an Enforcer for assistance as Roman & Sikoa will challenge the Tag Team Champions.
Jimmy isn’t pleased with Reigns, or so it appears. Owens and Sami have reminded both Usos of The Tribal Chiefs’ disrespect toward them. Roman’s celebrating 1’000 days regarding a historic Title Reign. Is The Bloodline falling apart?
Here we go, the Main Event as part of a Triple Main-Event Night of Champions!
Paul Heyman is present with Solo and Reigns.
Will Roman add even more gold? The Usos are not flanking them. I wonder why.
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, loves KO and Sami!!! Respectively, Zayn received a louder ovation.
Heyman greets the fans. He declares that Reigns and Solo will walk out as Champs!!!
Roman is the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion.
Sami talks in Arabic, and Zayn is of Syrian descent. He does their introductions.
Owens versus Reigns begins this awaited encounter. Wait, we get Sami opposing Reigns. He tags in Solo. Psychological games ensue & The Enforcer demonstrates his power over Zayn. Zami returns with chops to the chest. Sikoa also reinforced chopping strikes on Sami. Zayn went Ariel. Solo altered the pacing. KO had to fight street-style with Sikoa. Roman halted the terrific tandem offense by the champions. It created opportunities for Solo.
Reign’s batting clean-up. He afflicts immeasurable superiority against Zayn. Sikoa inserts damaging blows to Sami on the outside. Owens took up for his teammate/friend. Roman stopped any comebacks from Sami. Solo drops Zayn Samoan-Style & it’s all Bloodline right now. They isolated their rivals until Sami caught Roman Reigns off-guard. Solo eliminates Owens temporarily. Zayn executes a tornado DDT on Solo. Kevin keeps fighting while Roman cannot withstand ” The PrizeFighter! ” Sikoa would sacrifice himself for Reigns. Roman’s end was near after he took a powerbomb and frog splash. Kevin Owens survives the Superman Punch by The Champion!!!
Owens stuns Romant when KO gets speared courtesy of Reigns. Sami Zayn delivered a Blue Thunder Bomb on Solo. Sikoa kicks out. Zayn executed an Exploder Suplex and followed it with the Helluva kick versus Solo until Roman made the save. Reigns accidentally hits the referee. Zayn nails Roman with a Superman Punch. Roman responded by using his own Superman punch. The USOs attacked KO and Zayn. Both Superkick to Zayn mistakenly kicked Solo. Roman is furious with Jey & Jimmy super-kicked Reigns. Jimmy superkicks Roman again. Owens stuns Solo & Zayn nails a Helluva Kick to Sikoa.
Owens & Zayn retain their Championships!!!
Winner: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn