WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Results (28th Oct. 2020) – Pete Dunne Returns

Photo Credit: WWE
Pat McAfee, Danny Burch, and Oney Lorcan are in the ring. McAfee talks about how Halloween Havoc is “the second best” night in NXT history, and the biggest night was TakeOver 30, as that was when he had his debut match.
He runs down the crowd and talks about how Adam Cole disrespected him after beating him. He says he couldn’t stop thinking about “how big of a bum Adam Cole was.” He was too busy to come back to NXT so he hired Ridge Holland to take out Adam Cole and the Undisputed Era. When Ridge Holland was injured, he hired the guys who injured Holland, Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch.
Burch calls for a mic, but before he can say anything, Undisputed Era’s music hits and Kyle O’Reilly comes out. McAfee, Burch, and Lorcan are taunting O’Reilly to get in the ring. O’Reilly gets on the apron, but before he gets in the ring, Pete Dunne’s music hits, and Dunne walks out with two chairs.
Dunne walks down to the ring and stands on the apron. He offers O’Reilly a chair, and O’Reilly and Dunne get in the ring. Burch, Lorcan, and McAfee retreat to the apron. O’Reilly drops his chair, and Dunne slams into O’Reilly’s back with the chair.
Dunne, Burch, and Lorcan beat on O’Reilly and pick him apart. They stomp away at him, kicking him and beating him. Dunne stomps on O’Reilly’s hand onto the steel steps, and Burch and Lorcan hit O’Reilly with an elevated DDT onto a steel chair.
McAfee gets on the mic and says that he, Burch, Lorcan, and Dunne are the new kings of NXT, and they stand tall above him.