WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Results (28th Oct. 2020) – Pete Dunne Returns
Backstage, Grimes begs Regal to just give him a loss. He doesn’t want to be in this match. A white van pulls up to bring Grimes to the match. Grimes gets scared by a zombie that is riding in the passenger side of the van. The van opens and Michael P.S. Hayes exits while Bad Street USA is playing. Grimes reluctantly gets in the van.
Santos Escobar w/Wilde and Mendoza vs. Jake Atlas
Escobar attacks Atlas as soon as the bell rings. Escobar knees Atlas in the gut. Escobar sends Atlas back into the corner. Escobar crushes Atlas in the corner with a double knee strike. Escobar tells Atlas to quit. Escobar slaps Atlas. Atlas fires up and lands a few right hands. Atlas unloads on Escobar in the corner. Back body drop by Atlas.
Atlas sends Escobar flying with a flapjack. Atlas blasts Escobar with a German suplex. Atlas hits his finish. While the referee is distracted, Mendoza dons the loaded Lucha mask and headbutts Atlas. Escobar hits his finish for the win.
Winner- Santos Escobar