WWE NXT New Year’s Evil Results (06th Jan. 2021) – Balor Retains

Photo Credit: WWE
Backstage, Adam Cole & Roderick Strong cuts a promo on Breezango for their upcoming match against them at Dusty Rhodes Classic.
Santos Escobar (c) Vs. Gran Metalik – NXT Cruiserweight Championship
Escobar forces Metalik into the corner. Escobar fakes a clean break, but Metalik ducks his cheap shot attempt. Metalik lands a few rannas before Escobar retreats out of the ring. Metalik gets sent to the apron. Escobar slides through Metalik’s legs.
As soon as Escobar lands, Metalik hits an Asai moonsault. Metalik sends Escobar back into the ring. Metalik enters the ring with a senton. Metalik walks the ropes and tries a ranna off the apron but Escobar catches Metalik and powerbombs him into the barricade.
Metalik clims up the ropes for the finishing elbow but Escobar pushes him and grabs him to perform a faceplant slam. Escobar hits the magnum driver for the victory.
Winner: Santos Escobar