WWE NXT Results (05th August 2020)

Photo Credit: WWE
Damien Priest Vs. Oney Lorcan Vs. Ridge Hollands
Priest dominated Hollands and Lorcan at the start of the match. Holland hits Priest with a big boot. Lorcan hits a senton over the top rope. Lorcan tries a dive off the top but Holland catches Lorcan in midair. Holland suplexes Lorcan. Holland suplexes Priest. Holland hits clotheslines to Priest.
Lorcan leaps off the top rope and catches Priest and Holland with a senton. Double blockbuster by Lorcan. Lorcan calls for a dive. Holland surprises Lorcan with a pounce. Suplex slam by Holland. Lorcan kicks out. Priest tries his finish but Holland reverses it into a gut-wrench powerbomb. Lorcan breaks up the pin. Holland and Lorcan trade strikes. Priest choke side slams Holland. Priest hits the Reckoning on Lorcan for the win.
Winner: Damien Priest