WWE NXT Results (08th May 2021) – Brawl breaks out!!

Photo Credit: WWE
Grizzled Young Veterans Vs. August Grey and Ikemen Jiro
Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher sit down at ringside to watch the match. GYV gets the win after hitting a Ticket to Mayhem on Grey for the win.
Winners- Grizzled Young Veterans
Gibson says they only care about the tag titles. They are done with Ciampa and Thatcher. Ciampa says GYV won’t get to the tag titles without going through them. Gibson challenges them to a tornado tag match next week. Ciampa accepts and says they don’t have to wait till next week. GYV runs away.
LeRae says she’s tired of hearing about Poppy. Everything is all about Poppy. Poppy even stole Hartwell’s man. LeRae says Poppy has two options: Poppy can face her in the ring or LeRae can give her a proper introduction to the NXT parking lot. Poppy walks out on the stage and says she doesn’t wrestle, but she knows someone who does. Io Shirai’s music hits. Shirai and Poppy walk to the ring. Shirai hits the ring and destroys LeRae. Shirai lands a springboard dropkick that sends her flying out of the ring.