Meet Alex, the seasoned wrestling aficionado and Lead Writer at WrestleBuddy. With three decades of fandom under his belt, Alex brings a wealth of experience and passion to the table. As a devoted follower of The Undertaker and CM Punk, his love for the sport runs deep. However, be warned – Alex isn't afraid to offer raw and unfiltered opinions that some may find harsh. In a world where reality can be hard to digest, Alex isn't afraid to tackle the tough truths of the wrestling industry head-on.
Moon blasts Kai with a diving codebreaker for the near fall. Moon locks Kai in a Dragon sleeper. Kai counters and gets a near fall of her own. Kawada kicks by Kai. Moon blocks one. Kai reacts with a scorpion kick. Moon falls into the corner. Running boot by Kai. Moon kicks out. Kai goes for the GTK. Moon reverses it into a powerbomb.
Moon kicks out. Outside the ring, Gonzalez tries to boot Moon. Moon ducks and decks Gonzalez. Moon flattens Gonzalez and Kai with a suicide dive. Moon sets up The Eclypse. Gonzalez hits the ring and kicks Moon off the top rope to cause a disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Ember Moon
After the match, Gonzalez tries to help Kai up. Moon and Gonzalez brawl. Gonzalez tries her patented One-Armed Powerbomb but Moon reverses it into an Ace Crusher. Moon drops Gonzalez with The Eclipse.
Meet Alex, the seasoned wrestling aficionado and Lead Writer at WrestleBuddy. With three decades of fandom under his belt, Alex brings a wealth of experience and passion to the table. As a devoted follower of The Undertaker and CM Punk, his love for the sport runs deep. However, be warned – Alex isn’t afraid to offer raw and unfiltered opinions that some may find harsh. In a world where reality can be hard to digest, Alex isn’t afraid to tackle the tough truths of the wrestling industry head-on.