WWE NXT Results (08th Sept. 2020)


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WWE NXT Results – 08th Sept 2020

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Adam Cole Vs. Finn Balor – Vacant NXT Championship

Bálor takes Cole down. Bálor locks Cole in a rear chin lock. Cole reverses it into a hammerlock. Bálor and Cole trade submissions and counters. Neither man can get an advantage.

Balor takes control and kicks Cole in the back for a two count. Cole hits a jawbreaker. Balor catches him with a back elbow, hits a body slam, and a running elbow drop for a two-count. Balor chops Cole and hits a basement dropkick for a two count.

Cole hits Balor with a pump kick. Cole hits an enziguri followed by a backstabber. Bálor kicks out. After several counters Balor hits the sling blade on Cole. Bálor tries to hit the shotgun dropkick but Cole counters with a shining wizard.

Cole and immediately hits a double stomp. Balor knocks Cole out of the ring. Balor stomps Cole into the barricade. Balor sits Cole in a chair for another shotgun dropkick. Cole catches Balor with a superkick outside the ring.

Finn Balor hits the Coup de Grace on Cole and Cole kicked out at 2.99 and crowd went crazy. Balor tries to hit 1916 but Cole counters it to Figure Four Leg Lock.

Cole hits the Last Shot on Balor and Balor kicked out at two. Cole tries to hits the Panama Sunrise, but Balor counters it and hits the inverted 1916. Balor hits the avalanche inverted 1916 for the victory.

Winner & NEW NXT Champion: Finn Balor

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