WWE NXT Results (11th Nov. 2020) – Gargano loses the title, Ghostface revealed

Photo Credit: WWE
Santos Escobar (c) Vs. Jake Atlas – NXT Cruiserweight Championship
Atlas hits Escobar with an elbow strike. Escobar sends Atlas out to the apron. Mendoza and Wilde attack, but Atlas takes them both out with a steel pipe. Atlas hits a springboard blockbuster on Escobar for a near fall.
Inside cradle by Atlas. Escobar kicks out again. Escobar trips Atlas into the ropes. Escobar sets up his finish. Atlas escapes, but Escobar floors him with a back leg front kick (lol). Atlas kicks out again.
Atlas lands a senton followed by a PK. Standing moonsault by Atlas. Atlas sets up the Rainbow DDT but Escobar puts on the brakes. Escobar hits his double under hook facebuster for the win.
Winner: Santos Escobar