WWE NXT Results (11th Nov. 2020) – Gargano loses the title, Ghostface revealed

Photo Credit: WWE
Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan (c) w/Pete Dunne and Pat McAfee vs. Breezango – NXT Tag Team Championship Match
Burch and Lorcan attack. The fight spills to the outside area. Breeze slingshots Burch into the plexiglass barricade. Fandango and Breeze work over Burch. Lorcan tags in and gets double teamed by Breezango, too.
Breeze drapes Burch on the top rope. Breeze and Fandango boot Burch in the head at the same time. Burch falls to the outside area. Breeze tosses Burch into McAfee at the commentary desk.
Fandango hits a Last Dance legdrop on Lorcan, pinning him for two. Pete Dunne takes out Drake Maverick, Dunne tosses McAfee into the ring and uses the distraction, then uses the distraction to take out Breeze, who is waiting to tag in.
Lorcan makes the tag to Burch, but Fandango can’t tag in Breeze. Fandango continue to lay into Lorcan, not realizing that Burch is legal. Burch blindsides Fandango, and they hit him with the elevated DDT, pinning him for the win.
Winner: Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch
As McAfee, Dunne, Burch, and Lorcan celebrate in the ring, Drake Maverick hits a dropkick from the top rope onto Pete Dunne. The numbers catch up to him and they take out Maverick. Fandango comes in for the save, but they take him out as well. Finally, Tyler Breeze tries to attack, but he is taken out as well, laid out on the announce table.
Lorcan and Burch stretch Breeze across the table, holding his head out off the table for McAfee to kick. McAfee punts Tyler Breeze in the head, then finds the NXT Tag Titles and hands them to Burch and Lorcan.