WWE NXT Results (12th August 2020)
Kushida Vs. Cameron Grimes Vs. Velveteen Dream
Velveteen Dream returns to NXT. Kushida drops Dream with a tornado DDT. Grimes slams Kushida into the corner. Dream sneaks in the ring and rolls up Grimes. Grimes kicks out. After the break, everyone hits a big strike. All three men are down. Dream sends Grimes to the outside. Dream drops and axehandle on Grimes. Dream hits the Dream Valley Driver on Kushida. Grimes throws Dream out of the ring to steal the pin. Dream pulls Grimes out of the ring. As Dream and Grimes battle, Kushida dives off the top and flattens Dream with a senton. Kushida puts Grimes in a flying hammerlock off the top. Dream tries to break it up but gets put un the Hoverboard Lock. Dream almost turns it into the DVD. Kushida reverses that into the Hoverboard lock. Grimes hits the Cave In on Kushida. Grimes pushes Dream out of the ring and pins Kushida.
Winner: Cameron Grimes
After the match, Dream attacks Kushida and Finn Balor came out to make the save and sets his new target on Dream. Dream will face off Balor next week on NXT.