WWE NXT Results (13th Jan. 2021) – Pete Dunne attacks Kyle ‘O’ Reily
Xi Li w/Boa vs. Local Talent
Li ends this quickly with a kick to the face.
Winner- Xi Li
As Li is leaving the ring, her master on the stage waves at her to go back. Li drags her opponent to the apron and ties her up in the ropes. Li unloads on her opponent with strike after strike.
Backstage, Atlas and Scott are crawling. Bronson Reed breaks it up. Reed tells Scott to stop. Scott says Reed is taking Atlas’ side. Scott walks away.
Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic: The Undisputed Era vs. Breezango
Cole and Breeze trade shots. Breeze and Cole end in a double superkick stalemate. Strong and Fandango tag in. Strong lock Fandango in an armbar. Strong and Fandango trade submission hold. Fandango catches Strong with a leg lariat for a near fall. After the break, Cole is dumped out of the ring. Breeze tries a dive but Cole kicks him out of the air. Strong and Fandango tag in. Stong clears the ring. Strong slams Breeze on Fandango for a near fall.
Everyone lands a big move. Fandango destroys Cole with a lariat. Dunne, Burch, and Lorcan rush the ring. O’Reilly cuts them off. Dunne and Co. beat down O’Reilly. Bálor tries to make the save. Dunne and Co. slam O’Reilly’s jaw into a metal staging near the ring. Dunne sends Bálor into the post, shoulder first. Back in the ring, Fandango dives off the top into a superkick by Cole. Cole pins Fandango.
Winners- The Undisputed Era