WWE NXT Results (16th Dec. 2020) – Kyle ‘O’ Reily is the NEW #1 Contender


Photo Credit: WWE

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Backstage, Grizzled Young Veterans cuts a promo.

Pete Dunne Vs. Kyle ‘O’ Reily – #1 Contender’s match for the NXT Championship

Before the match even started a brawl broke out at the ringside between Burch & Lorcan with Killian Dain & Drake Maverick. Ref ran down to break things up.

Both men goes back & forth throughout them match. Kyle is busted open from inside and he is bleeding from his mouth. Kyle takes control over Dunne & hits 3 back to back underhook suplexes.

Dunne fights back & hits Kyle with a dropkick when he was hanging upside down in the tree of woe. Kyle kicks out at two as we go for commercial break.

After the break, both men pulls each other on the apron and hit the turnbuckle. Both men tries to lock each other in a variety of submission holds. Kyle hits the brainbuster on Dunne.

Kyle hits a running knee and the mouthpiece of Dunne fly out off his mouth. Dunne snaps Kyle’s finger and tries to hits the Bitterend on the apron. Kyle counters it into a suplex at the ringside.

Kyle rolls Dunne in & hit a top rope knee drop on the back of Dunne’s neck for the victory.

Winner & NEW #1 Contender: Kyle ‘O’ Reily


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