WWE NXT Results (18th Nov. 2020) – Adam Cole & Finn Balor Returns


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Io Shirai (c) Vs. Rhea Ripley – NXT Women’s Championship

Ripley eats and uppercut by Shirai. Shirai crushes Ripley’s midsection with a double stomp. Shirai gets a near fall after a basement dropkick. Shirai puts Ripley in the crossface. Ripley’s ear is bleeding. Ripley turns it into a pin. Shirai kicks out. Shirai slams Ripley’s arm into the mat. Shirai kicks Ripley in the arm. Shirai focuses her assault on Ripley’s now injured arm. Shirai slams Ripley’s arm into the apron over and over again. Shirai shoulder breakers Ripley on the apron. Shirai sends Ripley into the ring steps. Ripley is clutching at her arm while writhing in pain.

Shirai goes up top for her patented moonsault. Ripley cuts Shirai off and hits a superplex. Shirai kicks out. Shirai and Ripley trade strikes. Ripley blasts Shirai with multiple knee strikes to the face. Ripley gets a two count after a basement dropkick. Ripley locks in the Prism Lock. Ripley spins Shirai before slamming her on the mat. Shirai gets to the ropes to break the hold. Ripley tries Riptide. Shirai reverses it into a flying armbar. Ripley tries to block. Ripley tries to powerbomb Shirai to break the hold but Shirai rolls Ripley back into the armbar. Ripley gets to the ropes.

Shirai floors Ripley with a palm strike. Shirai lands. the Tiger feint kick. Top rope missile dropkick by Shirai. Ripley kicks out. Meteora by Shirai. Shirai tries her moonsault but Ripley moves out of the way. Shirai lands on her feet. Ripley turns Shirai inside out with a lariat. Shirai kicks out. Ripley tries Riptide again. Shirai reverses it into a DDT. Ripley ends up on the apron. Shirai dives through the ropes and hits a sunset bomb, putting Ripley through the announce desk. Ripley is almost counted out. As Ripley rolls in the ring, Shirai hits a Moonsault for the win!

Winner: Io Shirai

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