WWE NXT Results (19th August 2020)


Photo Credit: WWE

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Breezango & Isaiah ‘Swerve’ Scott Vs. Legado Del Fantasma – 6 Man Tag Match

Breezango and Scott attack. Fandango runs over Mendoza with a clothesline. Wilde tags in but is quickly taken out by Fandango. Breeze tags in as Fandango hangs Mendoza up in the rope. Breeze and Fandango both kick Mendoza in the head. Fandango is dumped out of the ring. Mendoza tries to sneak up on Fandango. Scott catches Mendoza with a baseball slide to save Fandango. Escobar tries a dive but Scott cuts him off with a kick to the head. Fandango and Breeze hit stereo superkicks on Mendoza and Wilde.

Fandango manages to tag in Scott. Scott clears the ring. Scott traps Escobar in the corner. Scott stomps Escobar. Scott drops Escobar with a rolling complete shot. Scott dives off the top right into a leaping knee strike by Escobar. Escobar is holding Scott in place. Wilde tries a dropkick but he ends up hitting Scott. Scott falls into Breeze and the referee calls it a tag. Scott hits his finish on Escobar but as he tries a pin, the referee yells that Scott isn’t the legal man. Wilde and Mendoza double dropkick Scott in the head. Escobar hits the Phantom Driver on Breeze for the victory.

Winner: Legado Del Fantasma

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