WWE NXT Results (19th August 2020)

Photo Credit: WWE
Finn Balor Vs. Velveteen Dream – 2nd Chance Qualifier Match
Bálor takes Dream over with a headlock take over. Bálor rips the hat off and tosses it into the crowd. Dream tries a sunset flip but Bálor rolls through. Dream slivers away. Bálor gives Dream the double gun taunt. After the break, Dream clubs Bálor with a right hand. Dream yells “wolfpack in the house” into the camera. Dream beats down Bálor in the corner. Dream slaps Bálor in the face. Bálor takes down Dream and begins working on his legs. Bálor locks Dream in a modified deathlock. Dream manages to get to the bottom rope. Bálor tries to lock in an armbar. Dream kicks his way out of it. Dreamlands a superkick for a near fall. Dream lands the 10 punches in the corner. Dream gyrates in Bálor’s face. Dream misses a leg lariat and gets tied up int he ropes. Bálor sweeps Dream’s legs. Bálor stomps Dream. Dream grabs Bálor’s head and snaps it on the top rope. Cameron Grimes saunters down to the ring and says he’s here for what belongs to him.
Grimes gets to his feet in the middle of Dream and Balor. Balor drops him and hits the big kick. Dream with a Fame-asser to send Grimes out. Balor with a Slingblade on Dream. Balor charges but Dream drops him. Gargano picks up the title at ringside. Bronson Reed comes down the ramp and Gargano enters the ring with the belt. Reed follows him in. Gargano backs into Damian Priest, who is also in the ring out of nowhere now. The crowd cheers as Gargano pleads in between the two big men. Priest rocks Gargano and ends up with the title as Reed tosses Gargano out. Priest has the title now as he stares Reed down. Priest tosses the title to Reed and kicks him in the face as he catches the belt. Priest charges but Dream superkicks him. Dream clotheslines Priest to the floor. Balor clotheslines Dream to the floor and then nails a big dive out to Priest.
Timothy Thatcher attacks Balor. Thatcher tosses Balor back in where Dream is, waiting with a Dream Valley Driver. Dream goes to the top and hits the big flying elbow drop on Balor for the victory.
Winner: Velveteen Dream
After the match, Dream stands tall to celebrate but Gargano lays him out. Gargano raises the title in the air but Grimes hits him from behind. Priest enters and chokeslams Grimes now. Reed enters and levels Priest. Dream comes back but Reed drives him into the mat in the middle of the ring. Show ended with Reed standing tall in the ring with the title.