WWE NXT Results (21st Oct. 2020) – New tag Champs, Kushida surprises

Photo Credit: WWE
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Killian Dain & Drake Maverick Vs. Ever-Rise
Dain destroys both members of Ever-Rise. Dain gets double chop blocked. Parker puts Dain in a single leg crab. Martell makes Maverick watch. Maverick gets pissed and grabs a chair. Maverick hits both members of Ever-Rise with a chair to save Dain. Maverick gets his team disqualified.
Winner by DQ: Ever-Rise
Dain gets in Maverick’s face… and tells him that was great! Dain yells where has that been this while time. Maverick gets excited. Maverick’s crappy music plays as he dances in the ring. Dain looks on in horror.